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Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden I
Order : Pumpkin-like (Cucurbitales)
Family : Pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae)
Genre : Indomelothria
Scientific name
WJde Wilde & Duyfjes

Indomelothria is a genus of the cucurbit family (Cucurbitaceae) that is native to Southeast Asia and consists of two species .


The plants are one to five meters long, perennial climbing plants . The plants are monoecious . The tendrils are simple. The leaves are simple, completely or slightly lobed, the nerves are slightly pinnate to palm-shaped.

The flowers are small and white with a diameter of five (rarely up to ten) millimeters in diameter. The sepals are small. The petals are free, obovate to elliptical, valvat in the bud . The hypanthium is bell-shaped to urn-shaped.

The male inflorescence is a slender, stalked raceme , on which the flowers are slack. Sometimes a single female flower arises from the same axilla as the male grape. The male flowers have a two to twelve millimeter long, narrow and persistent flower stalk. The sepals have a small spur adaxially. The three stamens start at or near the end of the hypanthium tube, the stamens are short, thick and shorter than the anthers. Of the anthers, two are bithek, one is unithek. The nectarium discus is free and in three parts at the top.

The female flowers are solitary or co-axillary with the male inflorescences. Their flower stalk is short. The ovary is narrow-ellipsoidal and glabrous. The stylus consists of three short arms, each ending in numerous long, thread-like appendages. Staminodes are completely absent. The nectarium is a three-lobed ring.

The fruit stands on a short stalk, is narrowly ellipsoidal to elongated, five to seven centimeters long, glabrous, green and pulp . The pericarp is dry, membranous to cartilaginous and smooth. The seeds are numerous, flat oval-elliptical and are hairy close-fitting. You are wingless.


The genus is known from the south of Myanmar and Thailand , as well as from the west of Malesia ( Sumatra , Java , Borneo ). It is not known from the Malay Peninsula or the Philippines .


The genus was first described in 2006 by WJ de Wilde and Duyfjes based on a previously placed in the genus Bryonia and a new species. The genus is placed in the tribe Benincaseae, Subtribus Benincasinae within the subfamily Cucurbitoideae. Two types are known:

  • Indomelothria blumei (Ser.) WJ de Wilde & Duyfjes : with rather elliptical leaves that are usually twice longer than wide. The fruits are four (rarely five) centimeters long, the seeds 2.5 to four millimeters. It is widespread in the lowlands of Myanmar, Thailand, Sumatra, East Kalimantan, and West Java.
  • Indomelothria chlorocarpa W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes : with oval leaves. The fruits are four to eight centimeters long, the seeds around eight millimeters. It grows in the lowlands and in the mountains. There are two subspecies with a restricted area:
    • Indomelothria chlorocarpa subsp. chlorocarpa on Borneo
    • Indomelothria chlorocarpa subsp. halimunensis W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes in West Java.


  • WJJO de Wilde, BEE Duyfjes: Redefinition of Zehneria and four new related genera (Cucurbitaceae), with an enumeration of the Australasian and Pacific species . Blumea, Volume 51, 2006, pp. 1-88.

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Kocyan, Li-Bing Zhang, Hanno Schaefer, Susanne S. Renner: A multi-locus chloroplast phylogeny for the Cucurbitaceae and its implications for character evolution and classification . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 44, August 2007, pp. 553-577. doi : 10.1016 / j.ympev.2006.12.022