Ingvar Luhaäär

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Ingvar Luhaäär (2006)

Ingvar Luhaäär (pseudonyms Valev Mirtem , Ülev Valder , Tõivelemb Vallak , born June 29, 1945 in Raudna , Viljandi County ) is an Estonian writer and translator.


Luhaäär graduated from high school in Viljandi in 1965 and then studied at the University of Tartu . He graduated from the university in 1970 as a historian and then worked for two years at the school in Kambja . From 1972 to 1978 he was a literary employee of the newspaper Säde , the organ of the Estonian Komsomol . After that he was active in various organizations, where he was primarily involved as the leader (and founder) of poetry clubs.


After first publishing poems in the press, Luhaäär made his debut in a poetry cassette in 1966, as was often the case in Estonia in the 1960s. His poems were judged cautiously, in places a “rhyme for the sake of rhyme” was stated, although its “sincerity” was praised. In addition, Luhaäär published several volumes of poetry and novels, although it was soon stated that “the criticism showed no interest.” Much of his later work deals with eroticism and sexuality, almost exclusively, although the literary quality left a lot to be desired So that, according to one critic, the question arose as to what extent “all of this still has to do with literature”.

Ingvar Luhaäär also translated from Bengali ( Rabindranath Tagore ) and Maithili ( Vidyapati ).

Bibliography (selection)

  • Toominga atmosfäär ('The atmosphere of the bird cherry'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1966. 43 p. (Noored autorid 1965)
  • Helemite aed ('Garden of Enthusiasm'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1977. 82 pp.
  • Valge õis sinisel ('White flower on the blue'). s. l .: sn 1996. 182 p.
  • Klaasist lepatriinu ('ladybird made of glass'). Romaan. Tallinn: sn 1996. 148 pp.
  • Toomingais ja sireleis ('In grape cries and lilacs'). Tallinn: sn 1996. 132 pp.
  • Pioneerilaulud kõlagu, kõlagu! ... Jutustus lapsepõlvest sovetiajal ('May the song of the pioneers sound! Tale of a childhood in the Soviet era'). Tallinn: sn 1999. 255 pp.
  • Tulevaas ('fire vase'). Tallinn: Eesti Luuleliit 1994. 72 pp.
  • Taevased tüdrukud, taevane isa ('Heavenly girl, heavenly father'). Tallinn: Eesti Luuleliit 2002. 47 pp.
  • Unistades Eestist: isamaaluulet ('Dreaming of Estonia. Patriotic Poetry'). Tallinn: Eesti Luuleliit 2007. 46 pp.

Literature on the author

  • Ivar Grünthal : Ringvaade, in: Mana 4/1965, pp. 31–33.
  • S. Luksep: Mida tõotab viimane kassett ?, in: Looming 2/1967, pp. 312-315.
  • Julius Ürt : Didaktikad ja hõllandusi, in: Looming 8/1977, pp. 1393–1395.
  • Ainiki Väljataga: Kiima kroonikad, in: Looming 4/1997, pp. 567-568.
  • Aare Pilv : Sõnade (väike) surm, in: Looming 2/2002, pp. 284–289.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 306.
  2. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, pp. 624–628.
  3. S. Luksep: Mida tõotab viimane KASSETT ?, in: Looming 2/1967, p 313, 315th
  4. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 306.
  5. Aare Pilv: Sõnade (väike) surm, in: Looming 2/2002, p. 286.