Inner spring tip

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Inner spring tip
Inner spring peak (left) and Weißkugel from the east

Inner spring peak (left) and Weißkugel from the east

height 3516  m above sea level A.
location Austria , Tyrol ; Italy , South Tyrol
Mountains Ötztal Alps
Dominance 0.42 km →  Weißkugel
Notch height 73 m ↓  Hintereisjoch
Coordinates 46 ° 47 '18 "  N , 10 ° 43' 48"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 47 '18 "  N , 10 ° 43' 48"  E
Inner source peak (Tyrol)
Inner spring tip

The inner spring peak is 3516  m above sea level. A. high mountain in the Ötztal Alps in the Schnalskamm near the Weißkugel . The summit is exactly on the border between the Italian province of South Tyrol and the Austrian state of Tyrol . At the Innere Quellspitze, the Saldurkamm branches off to the south from the Schnalskamm and finds its first peak in the Äußere Quellspitze ( 3385  m ).

The Innere Quellspitze can be climbed from the Hintereisjoch via the north ridge in half an hour, or from the Quelljoch in an hour via the south ridge. Both climbs require climbing grade II on the UIAA scale .

The name of the mountain is clearly of more recent, alpine origin, as well is actually used for the standard language word source in the local dialect .

Web links

Commons : Inner Source Tip  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Klier, Alpine Club Guide Ötztaler Alpen , 12th edition, Bergverlag Rudolf Rother , Munich 1995, ISBN 3-7633-1123-8 , p. 397.
  2. Johannes Ortner: Matscher name hike . In: Experience the mountains - The magazine of the Alpine Association of South Tyrol . No. 1 , 2019, p. 62-63 .