Institute for contemporary social issues

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The Institute for Contemporary Social Issues in Freiburg is an interdisciplinary research and communication institution in the social science field in the legal form of a non-profit association . It has research centers in Freiburg , Bremen and Berlin . Board members are Christian Matthiessen and Ulrike von Wiesenau (as of December 2016).


The institute was founded on February 23, 1963 in West Berlin . The founding members included Hans-Georg Schweppenhäuser , Alfred Rexroth , Robert Jungk and Herbert F. Hillringhaus. The association wants to negotiate the social issues scientifically and in discussions with institutions, scientists and writers advance to a well-founded understanding of the social problem. From its foundation until his death in 1983, Hans-Georg Schweppenhäuser headed the association.

Research priorities

Since 1977, the association has published its social science correspondence, building blocks for a social future . After Schweppenhauser's death in 1983, Christian Matthiessen, Helmut Woll and Manfred Kannenberg-Rentschler continued the correspondence as a journal for theoretical economics and social issues . Seminars and symposia are held at the same time. In a cooperation with the University of Witten-Herdecke , health economics has been added as a further research focus.

In 1990 Christian Matthiessen founded the Freiburg Cultural Talks in Marienbad in cooperation with Südwestrundfunk as a series of transdisciplinary symposia on questions of economy , philosophy and art . In cooperation with the Freiburg Theater , the lecture series Thinkers on the Stage and Capitalism Now have been held since 1997 . In 1995 the installation Art & Language & Luhmann was set up in the Kunstraum Wien in cooperation with Markus Brüderlin . The participants were Art & Language , Niklas Luhmann , Peter Weibel , Catherine David . Together with the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM), the Institute for Contemporary Social Issues organized the 2014 symposium The Observation of God - Constructions and Consequences of Monotheism . The participants included Peter Sloterdijk , Sigrid Weigel , Bazon Brock , Dirk Baecker and Christina von Braun as well as Norbert Bolz . In this context, the theory film L'Occhio di Dio with Bazon Brock, Jonathan Meese and Martin Horn was made .

The Bremen Research Center under Helmut Woll has specifically addressed the question: Is there a proper way of dealing with things? The topic is presented in the form of essays, lectures and elaborations on Ivan Illich , Botho Strauss , Leopold Kohr , Heinrich Rombach and Michael Beleites .

At the Forschungsstelle Berlin, Manfred Kannenberg-Rentschler deals with the processing, updating and digitization of the textual legacy of Hans-Georg Schweppenhäuser. Another focus is the development of the gift economy. With her journalistic activities, Ulrike von Wiesenau extends the institute's work to include the topics of direct democracy and the protection of services of general interest . The author brings the experience of her organizational and content-related work to the Berlin Water Table and Community Property in Citizens Hand (GiB) eV .


  • Institute for Current Social Issues, Kunstraum Wien (Ed.): Art & Language & Luhmann. Passagen Verlag, Vienna 1997, ISBN 978-3-85165-272-7 .
  • Manfred Kannenberg-Rentschler: The threefold division of money and the free spiritual life. A contribution to the international debt crisis. Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach 1988, ISBN 978-3-72350-489-5 .
  • Christian Matthiessen: On Tour with Art & Language and Niklas Luhmann. Kadmos, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86599-141-6 .
  • Ulrike von Wiesenau: Trust through participation and transparency. The democracy vision of the Berlin water referendum. In: Rolf Kreibich , Fritz Lietsch (ed.): Winning the future. ALTOP, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-925646-65-2 , pp. 98-104
  • Helmut Woll: Images of Man in the Economy. Oldenbourg, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-486-23056-5 .
  • Helmut Woll: Controversies in regulatory policy. Oldenbourg, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-486-25159-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrike von Wiesenau: No trust of the people without transparency. In: Neue Rheinische Zeitung from June 5, 2013.
  2. ^ GiB: Ulrike von Wiesenau.
  3. ↑ Winning the future : content and foreword.