International cultural relations

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International cultural relations , including cultural diplomacy , cultural foreign relations, foreign cultural policy, international cultural policy or foreign cultural policy are international relations to cultural-political level , ie the exchange between countries in the cultural sphere as opposed to international economic relations or security policy .

States conclude cultural agreements to regulate bilateral cultural relations . In addition, intermediary organizations a commonly used instrument of cultural diplomacy.

The UNESCO is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of international cultural relations.

Individual states


Germany's international cultural relations are known as Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy (AKBP) and the Federal Foreign Office is responsible for them at the federal level .

European Union

The European Union's strategy for international cultural relations, established in 2016, pursues three goals: developing the potential of the cultural and creative sector for sustainable social and economic development, promoting peace and preventing radicalization through intercultural dialogue, and strengthening cooperation in the field of cultural heritage . The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture are responsible .

The national intermediary organizations of the member states are organized in the Association of National Cultural Institutes in the European Union .


The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs is responsible for Austrian cultural foreign relations . The foreign culture concept adopted in 2015 names the goal of presenting Austria as a “future-oriented” country and focuses on the areas of film and new media, architecture, dance, women in art and science, and Austria as a “location for dialogue”.


In Switzerland, the Directorate for Development and Cooperation within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs promotes international cultural partnerships.

Other states

A large number of other countries promote international cultural relations, partly through their embassies and partly with their own intermediary organizations. These include the Russian Federation ( Russki Mir Foundation ), France ( Institut français ), Great Britain ( British Council ), Spain ( Instituto Cervantes ), Italy ( Istituto Italiano di Cultura ), Portugal ( Instituto Camões ), and outside Europe also China ( Confucius Institute ), Korea and Japan.


Individual evidence

  1. Jamie Kendrick: Future EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations. In: European Commission. January 16, 2017, accessed September 18, 2019 .
  2. Foreign culture concept . In: Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. Retrieved September 23, 2019 .
  3. Art and Culture - In the Heart of Social Change. In: Directorate for Development and Cooperation. September 10, 2018, accessed September 23, 2019 .