The Interregio (short form IR , in some countries with inland minor InterRegio ) is a type of train that is used in several European countries or was used earlier. Today there are interregional trains in Switzerland , Luxembourg , Poland , Denmark , Hungary , Romania and Portugal ( InterRegional der CP ). In Germany and Italy , the Interregio train type was discontinued in June 2006 and June 2007, respectively. The Belgian Interregios were replaced by L (regional) or IC trains with the 2014/15 timetable change.
From 1984 to 2014, the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges (SNCB) maintained an InterRegio network with 17 lines, which were designated as IR a to IR s. With the 2014/15 timetable change, these were replaced by L ( Locales ) or InterCity trains.
Under the brand name InterRegio , the Interregio was introduced in Germany in 1988 by the Deutsche Bundesbahn as a long-distance train system and was intended to permanently replace the former D-Zug , which ran in individual timetable situations. Regions and medium-sized cities should be connected to the long-distance network with fixed, intermittent lines, below the Intercity (IC) and Eurocity (EC) networks, which are subject to a surcharge, and (from 1991) the Intercity-Express (ICE). The Interregio train type was discontinued in June 2006; There, the Interregio-Express train type (short form: IRE ) was introduced in individual federal states by order of the respective state government .
The InterRegio category was introduced in Switzerland in order to be able to differentiate between express trains with modern, fully air-conditioned cars and those with conventional, non-air-conditioned cars. Today the InterRegio is a long-distance train in contrast to the RegioExpress , which belongs to regional traffic .