Irmintrud of Avalgau

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Irmintrud von Avalgau (lat. Irmintrudis, * about 956 ; † 1020 ) was the wife of Count Palatine Heribert von der Wetterau . She was the daughter of Megingoz von Geldern , who was considered a great king among the princes, and of Gerberga von Geldern (also Gerberga von Lothringen ).


Irmintrud (also Irmintrud von Geldern, Irmtrud or Irmentrud) was born around 956 as one of five children in Avalgau . Her parents were Megingoz von Geldern and his wife Gerberga von Geldern, a daughter of the Lorraine Count Palatine Gottfried and granddaughter of the West Franconian Karl III . Irmintrud had four other siblings, three sisters and one brother. Her family was considered famous and influential. While Irmintrud's sisters Adelheid and Betrada put themselves in the service of God in Cologne, Alvera and Irmintrud were married by their parents. Irmintrud married the Count Palatine Heribert von der Wetterau . Irmintrud had a total of four children. She died in 1020 at the age of about 64. According to Adelheid's vita, Irmintrud von Avalgau became famous primarily through her grandchildren and descendants, such as B. Henry VII of Bavaria or Adalbero III. Bishop of Metz received.




  • Vita Adelheidis. = The life of St. Adelheid von Vilich. Latin and German. Introduced and translated by Heinz Piesik. City of Bonn - City Archives, Bonn 2003, ISBN 3-922832-33-4 .

Individual proof

  1. FRANCONIA NOBILITY. Retrieved January 5, 2020 .