Isaac Heymann

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Isaac Heymann (also: Isaak Heymann , called the Gnesener Chasan ; born March 26, 1829 in Auras , Silesia ; † August 10, 1906 ) was a Dutch Chasan .

After studying in Hungary, Heymann became cantor in Filehne , Graudenz and Gnesen . From 1856 until his death he was chief cantor in Amsterdam and also composed synagogue music.

Isaac Heymann was the father of the pianist Karl Heymann .

Compositions (selection)

  • Schirei todah le'el , 1898 (collection of hymns, dedicated to Queen Wilhelmine on the day of her coronation)


  • Aaron Friedmann, Life Pictures of Famous Cantors , Berlin 1918 ff.
  • Jewish Lexicon , Berlin 1927, Vol. II, Sp. 1587.
  • Salomon Wininger : Great Jewish National Biography. Volume III, page 98.