Isaac Troki

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Isaac ben Abraham Troki ( Trakai: . Polish for Trakai * to 1533 in Trakai, † around 1594 ) was a Lithuanian Karaites , whose signature chisuk emuna was very well received ( "Strengthening the faith") in later centuries.

He used the opportunity to familiarize himself with the beliefs of the Christian denominations during the time of the tolerant Polish Renaissance and was therefore able to adequately deal with intra-Christian differences.

That is why the book has been translated into Latin and printed in the Tela ignea Satanae by J. Chr. Wagenseil (1681). His critical arguments were then used in part by the early Enlightenmentists in France to criticize Christianity and the Church.


  • Johann Christoph Wagenseil (ed.): Rabbi Isaaci Liber Chissuk Emuna (Munium Fidei) (Latin-Hebrew). In: Tela Ignea Satanae (The Fire Arrows of Satan). Altdorf 1681
  • David Deutsch (ed.): Attachment in Faith (German-Hebrew). Sohrau 1865, 1873.


  • Rosemarie Sievert: Isaak ben Abraham from Troki in the Christian-Jewish conversation of the Reformation period. Münster 2005, ISBN 9783825884420
  • Leon Nemoy:  TROKI, ISAAC BEN ABRAHAM. In: Encyclopaedia Judaica . 2nd Edition. Volume 20, Detroit / New York a. a. 2007, ISBN 978-0-02-865948-0 , pp. 155-156 (English).
  • Graetz , History of the Jews , Vol. IV, Berlin 1853
  • Ben-Sasson , History of the Jewish People , Vol. 2, Munich 1979

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