List of isotopes

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Due to its large size, the list of isotopes is divided into several sub-pages. Clicking on the symbol takes you to the isotope list of the corresponding element.

A further list can be found in the nuclide map table .


H Hey 1st period
Li Be B. C. N O F. No 2nd period
N / A Mg Al Si P S. Cl Ar 3rd period
K Approx Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 4th period
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mon Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag CD In Sn Sb Te  I.  Xe 5th period
Cs Ba La * Hf Ta W. re Os Ir Pt Au Ed Tl Pb Bi Po At Marg 6th period
Fr. Ra Ac **
Rf Db Sg Bra Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Above 7th period
* Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho He Tm Yb Lu Lanthanoids
** Th Pa U Np Pooh At the Cm Bk Cf It Fm Md No Lr Actinides

Legend to the isotope list

For each isotope of an element, the table contains

  • the name of the  nuclide  according to nomenclature:
    • The name of the nuclide begins with the mass number (e.g. 205 Pb).
    • If the mass number is followed by an m (stands for “metastable”), it is a (popular) excited isomer .
    • If there are several (popular) isomers with the same mass number, the m is followed by a number (e.g. 205m 1 Pb).
    • The name of the chemical element follows at the end (e.g. 205m1 Pb ).
  • the  Half-life  including unit or the note
    • stable      for energetically stable nuclides,
    • stable ζ   for nuclides for which no decay has yet been observed, but would be possible energetically below ζ decay or
    • stable ζ   for nuclides with a known lower limit for the half-life (value is displayed when the type of decay ζ is passed).
  •  Spin / parity : Spin and parity of the core .
    Terms in parentheses or multiple values ​​separated by commas are unsafe.
  •  Mass (u) : the exact atomic mass (i.e. the mass of the neutral atom including electrons and their binding energy) in the
    atomic mass unit u . A # at the end of an atomic mass means that no
    experimental data are available for the deviation (value in brackets) .
  • the  Decay energy (MeV) in MeV , with several types of decay followed by the respective type of decay and
  • the observed radioactive  Type (s) of decay (%) , with several types of decay followed by the respective probability
    (sorted in descending order according to this). ζ stands as a placeholder for the corresponding type of decay, see the legend
    in the following section.
    • only type of decay (with an implicit probability of 100%):  ζ
    • relatively precisely known probabilities:  ζ = XX
    • imprecisely known probabilities:  ζ ≈ XX
    • known limits:  ζ <XX,  ζ ≤ XX,  ζ > XX,  ζ ≥ XX,  ζ = XX
    • unknown probabilities:  ζ =?
    • Probability of the main type of decay, which results from the remaining probability to 100%:  ζ ≈ 100
    • never observed (hypothetically possible decay or candidate for an extremely long half-life):  ζ ≟ 0
  • With  NH (%)  the  N atural  H äufigkeit, d. H. the isotopic composition of the element in the earth's crust in percent. Considering
    the number of atoms is based on the total frequency of the element in the Earth's crust, d. H. the molar frequency.

Are there

  • stable nuclides such as 206 Pb are set in bold ,
  • radioactive, naturally occurring nuclides such as 204 Pb are set in bold italics and
  • radioactive nuclides that do not occur in nature such as   205 Pb are normal.
Example of lead
Spin /
energy (MeV)
(s) of decay (%)
204 Pb 1.4 x 10 17  a 0+ 203.973 0440 (13) 001.4
205 Pb 1.73 · 10 7  a 5 / 2− 204.974 4822 (13) 0.051 ε
205 Pb 24.2 µs 1 / 2− 0.00233 IT
205m1 Pb 5.54 ms 13/2 + 1.014 IT
205 Pb 217 ns 25 / 2− IT
205 Pb 63 ns 33/2 + IT
206 Pb stable α 0+ 205.974 4657 (13) 024.1
207 Pb stable α 1 / 2− 206.975 8973 (13) 022.1
208 Pb stable α 0+ 052.4
209 Pb 3.253 h 9/2 + 0.644 β -
210 Pb 22.3 a 0+ 0.064 (β - ), 3.792 (α) β - ≈ 100, α = 1.9 · 10 −6

Legend of the types of decay

Type of decay
β - Beta - decay p Proton emission
β + Beta + decay 2p double proton emission
Double beta decay n Neutron emission
ε Electron capture 2n Dineutron emission
Double electron capture α Alpha decay
IC Inner conversion Z Ce Cluster disintegration
IT Isomerism transition SF Spontaneous split

Other types of decay are combinations that occur together and can only occur. They are represented by writing together:

β - n, β - 2n, β - 3n, β - 4n, β - p, β - α, β - αn, β + p, β + 2p, β + α, εβ + , εp, ε2p, ε3p, εα , εαp and 2β + .

According to more recent studies, in addition to protons / hydrogen nuclei 1 H and alpha particles / helium nuclei 4 He, the following nuclei can also be emitted in rare cases:

2 H,   3 H and   3 He.
Decay modes of radioactive decay, sorted according to change in the number of neutrons and protons

More frequent decay modes are shown darker, rarer ones are lighter. Spontaneous and cluster decays that emit nuclei larger than 14 C can not be shown and therefore not included .

14 C
−8 Change in neutron number
12 C
β -  α n 4n β -  3n −4
β +  2α β -  α 3n β -  2n −3
α 3 He 2n β -  n - −2
ε p α β +  α
ε α
 t  d n β - −1
3p 2p p IC    IT
± 0
β +  3p β +  2p
ε 2p
β +  p
ε p
β +
ε β +

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ± 0 +1 +2
Change in the number of protons

Legend of half-lives

ps Picosecond H hour
ns Nanosecond d Day
µs Microsecond a year
ms Millisecond eV Electron volt
s second keV Kiloelectron volt
min minute MeV Megaelectronvolt

Extremely short half-lives are indicated by specifying the decay width in electron volts (eV). This is a reciprocal quantity: a larger decay width corresponds to a shorter half-life (1 eV ≈ 4.56 · 10 −16  s, 1 keV ≈ 4.56 · 10 −19  s, 1 MeV ≈ 4.56 · 10 - 22  s).

See also


These books contain detailed background knowledge on the physics of atomic nuclei.

Web links

The following web links contain more or less extensive data collections on known nuclides and their possible stimulation states. Primary databases are those of the IAEA, which are updated regularly. However, they are extremely extensive and detailed. Secondary sources are clearer, but have the problem of secondary sources. Their sources are unknown; they contain older or outdated data, data that has passed through several hands and, in some cases, obvious errors.

References and comments

  1. This notation is inconsistent, since there is no sharp boundary between “only” excited nuclear states and nuclear isomers and since not all excited nuclear states / nuclear isomers were known at the time of this numbering. For example, 211m Pb (1679 keV)  with 0.16 µs half-life is listed as the core isomer, but 206 Pb (2200 keV)  with 125 µs half-life is not.
    Original text of the IAEA on this issue:
    Nuclide:, where Z is the number of protons, N the number of neutrons, and A = Z + N. A letter besides the A number indicates the ENSDF metastable flag, and a decay dataset is usually provided in the Decay Radiation tab. Please note that the isomer definition has changed during time, hence some levels listed might not have been considered as metastable at the time of the evaluation.
  2. Current nuclide database of the IAEA