Istituto Bruno Leoni

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Istituto Bruno Leoni
legal form Think tank
founding 2003
founder Carol Erickson, Franco Forlin, Sergio Leali, Carlo Lottieri, Alberto Mingardi, Carlo Stagnaro, Tito Tettamanti
Seat Milan , 23 Piazza Castello; Turin , Piazza Cavour 3
motto Ideas for a free market
main emphasis Classical liberalism , ordoliberalism , Austrian school
Chair Franco DeBenedetti

The Istituto Bruno Leoni ( IBL ) is an Italian research center and think tank ( think tank ), named after the lawyer, political scientists and legal philosopher Bruno Leoni . Founded in 2003, with offices in Milan and Turin , it advocates classic liberal beliefs in Italy and across Europe.

The Istituto Bruno Leoni organizes seminars and conferences in numerous Italian and European cities and is active in a wide range of social science research. The institute publishes a large number of far-reaching publications every year, including volumes with large editions and papers with a focus on the analysis of state activity. President of the institute is the former member of the Senato della Repubblica and entrepreneur Franco Debenedetti. The general director of the institute is the journalist and author Alberto Mingardi.

According to the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2017, a ranking by the University of Pennsylvania , the Istituto Bruno Leoni ranks 130th of all think tanks worldwide, making it 108th among think tanks outside the United States and 72nd Think tank in Western Europe.

Origin and goals

The Istituto Bruno Leoni was founded in 2003 by Carol Erickson, Franco Forlin, Sergio Leali, Carlo Lottieri, Alberto Mingardi, Carlo Stagnaro and Tito Tettamanti, with the aim of advocating free, market-based ideals. It primarily refers to economists and philosophers of the Austrian School such as Carl Menger , Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk , Ludwig von Mises , Joseph Schumpeter , Friedrich von Hayek and Murray Rothbard . But also to representatives of other schools such as Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago , James M. Buchanan ( New Political Economy ), Wilhelm Röpke (economist) , as representatives of ordoliberalism or politicians like Luigi Sturzo , Luigi Einaudi , second President of the Italian Republic or Margaret Thatcher , Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom .

One of the central goals of the IBL is the commitment to robust property rights, against tax burdens, for free market economy activity and against state intervention. Protectionism is rejected, but the dynamics of globalization are advocated.


The Istituto Bruno Leoni organizes year-round events such as conferences and seminars on a wide variety of topics, on which authors, scientists or other guests are often invited to present their projects. One of the most important events every year is the institute's annual dinner, at which the Bruno Leoni Prize is awarded at the same time. The winners include Nobel Prize winner Vernon L. Smith (2008) and the American historian Richard Pipes (2015).

Publications and projects

Authors and members of the IBL publish articles in well-known daily newspapers at regular intervals, as well as books or specialist articles on social and economic topics. The think tank has had its own publishing house (IBL Libri) since 2009. The institute also has a blog in collaboration with the journalist of the radio station for the daily Il Sole 24 Ore , Oscar Giannino. Important projects of the Istituto Bruno Leoni include the annual liberalization index (see below) and the “IBL nelle scuole” (IBL in schools) project, which consists of two “first economics lectures” for secondary school students in Italy, in which the students, using simple explanations, should get an initial overview of economic concepts such as price, productivity and the role of the state and state activity. In February 2018, on behalf of the institute, a large “debt counter” was installed at the main train stations in Milan and Rome , which counted the rising Italian national debt and was intended to remind passing travelers that every further election promise also meant new debt.

Flat tax - "25% per tutti" ("25% for everyone")

The think tank achieved greater awareness among the Italian public with the project “25% per tutti”, which was presented in 2017 with the publication of the book by Nicola Rossi (author and politician). The proposal provides for a radical restructuring of the complex Italian tax system and the introduction of a single flat rate ( flat tax ) of 25% for the main taxes (u. A. Income tax, corporate tax, sales tax) before. The draft was widely discussed in the media and the general public in the run-up to the 2018 general election in Italy . Both Forza Italia by Silvio Berlusconi and Lega Nord by Matteo Salvini included the idea of ​​implementing a flat tax of 23% and 15% in their respective election programs.

Liberalization Index

The Istituto Bruno Leoni has published an annual liberalization index since 2007, which has become more and more extensive since then and now includes all member states of the European Union. The "Indice delle Liberalizzazioni" aims to indicate the degree of economic openness of the member states and examines ten different economic sectors (oil and gasoline trade, electricity, gas, postal services, labor market, telecommunications, radio, air transport, rail transport and insurance). The liberalization index is the think tank's most cited publication and can be found regularly in academic papers and journalistic publications.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Contatti. Retrieved February 20, 2019 (it-it).
  2. Chi Siamo. Retrieved February 20, 2019 (it-it).
  3. TTCSP Global Go To Think Tank Index Reports | Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) | University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved February 20, 2019 .
  4. Eventi. Retrieved February 21, 2019 (it-it).
  5. ^ Premio Bruno Leoni 2018. Accessed on February 21, 2019 (it-it).
  6. IBL Libri. Retrieved February 21, 2019 (it-it).
  7. ^ IBL nelle scuole. Retrieved February 21, 2019 (it-it).
  8. Il "contatore del debito pubblico" nelle stazioni di Milano e Roma scorre inesorabile. February 13, 2018, accessed February 21, 2019 (Italian).
  9. Una "flat tax" of 25%, via Irap-Imu: fisco più semplice e più equo. Retrieved February 21, 2019 (Italian).
  10. # 25xtutti - un'iniziativa dell'Istituto Bruno Leoni. Retrieved February 21, 2019 .
  11. ^ La Flat Tax secondo Nicola Rossi: "È l'unica rivoluzione possibile per il fisco italiano". February 17, 2018, accessed February 21, 2019 (Italian).
  12. Cos'è la “flat tax” proposta dal centrodestra. January 8, 2018, accessed February 21, 2019 (it-IT).
  13. 2017 Index of Liberalizations: a summary. In: EPICENTER. December 4, 2017. Retrieved February 21, 2019 (American English).
  14. L'Italia delle liberalizzazioni mancate. Retrieved February 21, 2019 (Italian).