Iuventa (film)

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Original title Iuventa
Country of production Germany , Italy
original language German , English
Publishing year 2018
length 87 minutes
Director Michele Cinque
production Christof Brüning,
Michele Cinque
music Hackedepicciotto
camera Michele Cinque,
Martina Cocco
cut Piero Lassandro

Iuventa is a German-Italian documentary about the rescue missions of the ship Iuventa from 2016 to 2017.


In July 2016 the ship of the non-governmental organization Jugend Rettet before Malta was ready for launch. The newcomers from Germany practice rescue missions beforehand. Overcrowded boats are sighted off the territorial waters of Libya. Led by the Coordination Center of the Coast Guard in Rome , the refugees transfer to a dinghy on the Iuventa and get on the ship, where they are shipped to Italy. The people from Africa are overjoyed. During the winter break, the rescue activists give interviews and ask themselves some critical questions. The rescue operations continue in 2017, but the ship is confiscated in August. The charge of aiding and abetting illegal immigration is in the room. The activists deny such a charge.


“The film ends with an anthemic celebration by the activists, but it loses a bit of distance to its subject. The fate of the rescued boat refugees, the majority of whom are apparently in Italian camps, is only touched upon. The film largely dispenses with critical voices. Nevertheless, he manages to create haunting images. Dramatic scenes on the high seas create the oppressive feeling of encountering possible death at eye level. "

- Manfred Riepe : Der Tagesspiegel from August 13, 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Criticism at tagesspiegel.de