Ival Arthur Merchant

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Ival Arthur Merchant (born February 9, 1898 in Paonia , Colorado, † December 16, 1985 ) was an American veterinary pathologist and bacteriologist.

In 1924 he was awarded the Colorado State University the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine . He then earned a Master of Science degree in veterinary pathology and a doctorate in veterinary bacteriology. From 1925 he worked in various functions at Iowa State University and in 1943 took over the chair of veterinary hygiene as a professor. Nine years later he became dean of the veterinary medicine department. Even after his retirement in 1963, he taught for four more years before retiring to California.

Merchant dealt mainly with the bacteria genera Pasteurella and Corynebacterium and wrote numerous articles and textbooks in his field of veterinary bacteriology. Together with Carlos T. Rosenbusch (1913-2003) he described the species Pasteurella multocida , a gram-negative bacterium that is responsible for a number of infections in mammals and birds.

In addition to his teaching activities, he advised the US State Department , the United States Public Health Service , the Pan American Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health .

Publications (selection)

  • A study of the Corynebacteria (diphtheroids) associated with diseases of domestic animals. Thesis (Ph. D.). Iowa State College, 1933.
  • Veterinary bacteriology and virology. Iowa State College Press; 4th edition (1950).
  • Ival Arthur Merchant; RA Packer: Handbook for the etiology, diagnosis, and control of infectious bovine mastitis. Minneapolis: Burgess Pub. Co. 2nd edition 1952.
  • Ival Arthur Merchant; Alfred Gustav Karlson: Laboratory manual for veterinary bacteriology and immunology. Minneapolis: Burgess Pub. Co., 1961.
  • Ival Arthur Merchant; Ralph David Barner: An outline of the infectious diseases of domestic animals. Iowa State Univ. Press. 3rd edition 1964.


  1. CT Rosenbusch, IA Merchant: A Study of the Hemorrhagic Septicemia Pasteurellae. In: J. Bacteriol . Volume 37, Number 1, January 1939, pp. 69-89, ISSN  0021-9193 . PMID 16560189 . PMC 374446 (free full text).