Ivan Nikolayevich Nazarow

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Ivan Nikolaevich Nazarov , Russian Иван Николаевич Назаров , (* May 30th . Jul / 12. June  1906 greg. In Koschelewo , Vladimir Oblast ; † 30th July 1957 in Moscow ) was a Russian chemist ( Organic Chemistry ).

Nasarov graduated from the KA Timiriazev Academy of Agriculture in Moscow in 1931 with a degree in chemistry. Alexei Yevgrafovich Favorsky was one of his teachers . From 1934 to 1947 he was at the Chemical Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and from 1947 to 1957 Professor at the Moscow Institute for Fine Chemical Engineering.

He dealt mainly with the chemistry of acetylene and its derivatives (especially vinyl acetylene) and is known for the introduction of the Nasarov cyclization reaction named after him (1949). In the simplest case, a Lewis acid catalyzes the cyclization of a pentenone ( pentone with ketone ) by activating the oxygen in the ketone part. He synthesized the analgesic trimeperidine ( Promedol ) while researching pethidine (1954) and androgen- like steroids via Diels-Alder reactions .

In 1946 he became a correspondent and in 1953 a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. In 1955 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . In May 1956 he was elected a corresponding member of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin . He was a member of the Communist Party. In 1942 and 1946 he received the State Prize of the USSR .

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Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Ivan N. Nazarov at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on February 6, 2016.