Ján Horecký

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Ján Horecký

Ján Horecký (born January 8, 1920 in Stupava ; † August 11, 2006 ibid) was a Slovak linguist with special interests in general linguistics , semantics , grammar , word formation , style , language culture , phonology and Latin .

From 1939 to 1943 he studied Slovak and Latin at the Charles University in Prague . After graduating from university in Prague in 1943, he began to work at the then Institute for Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bratislava , Jazykovedný ústav Ľudovíta Štúra Slovenskej akadémie vied . He completed his master's degree in Bratislava in 1944; his doctorate took place in 1956. His Dr. sc. he obtained in 1964. In 1968 he received his Venia legendi .

On the initiative of the linguist Georg Friedrich Meier, Horecký took part in the editorial committee of the journal for phonetics, linguistics and communication research from the Akademie-Verlag from 1961 .

He was awarded an honorary doctorate honoris causa in 1994 by the Scientific Council of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice - on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the university - for his work in the field of general linguistics.

Publications (selection)

  • with Anna Rácová: Slovenská karpatská rómčina. Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2000
  • with Adolf Jurkovič: Nemecko-slovenský energetický slovník. Nakl. Alfa, Bratislava 1970
  • Kultúra slovenského slova. Martin, Osveta 1958.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rozlúčka s Jánom Horeckým (January 8, 1920 Stupava - August 11, 2006 Stupava) Slavomír Ondrejovič
  2. Detlev Blanke: Georg Friedrich Meier (1919-1992) and his role in the development of interlinguistics in the GDR. P. 72