Ján Rumann

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Ján Rumann (1911)

Ján Rumann (born October 18, 1876 in Pribylina , Northern Slovakia, † August 2, 1925 in Košice ) was a Slovak lawyer and politician.

Ján Rumann was the son of Eugen Rumann and his wife Mária, née Núdziková. He attended grammar schools in Banská Bystrica and Prešov . From 1895 to 1899 he studied law at the University of Budapest . After completing his doctorate, Ján Rumann worked as a lawyer in Liptovský Mikuláš and in 1913 caused a sensation by defending Slovak students from Kežmarok who were accused of Pan-Slavism . As a member of the Slovak National Party , Rumann was a member of the Provisional National Assembly in 1918/19 . He made great contributions to the smooth integration of the nationally mixed Zips into the newly founded state.


  • Ivan Chalupecký: Rumann, Ján . In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon, Volume 9, p. 324