Jörg-Johannes Lechner

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Jörg-Johannes Lechner (born April 21, 1966 in Herxheim near Landau / Pfalz ) is a German philosopher and educationalist .


Jörg-Johannes Lechner first studied Catholic theology, philosophy and music in Freiburg im Breisgau as well as natural philosophy , philosophy and sociology at the Gustav Siewerth Academy in Bierbronnen ( state examination work with Alma von Stockhausen on the concept of person in philosophical anthropology). This was followed by a degree in educational science in Freiburg, which was completed with a thesis on Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel . He received his doctorate with a thesis on the philosophical-anthropological ethics of Hans Reiner in 2001. Between 1996 and 2003 he held the Hans Reiner Archive in Freiburg i. Br. Built. This was followed by teaching at the PH Freiburg , the Gustav Siewerth Academy in Bierbronnen and at the University of Siegen . Since 2003 he has been a lecturer at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen in the field of general educational science. Since 2016 he has been managing the literary legacy of Hans Reiner (professorship for ethics at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau ).

The main focus of work is philosophy and educational science ( Duns Scotus , Thomas von Aquin , Nietzsche and Heidegger ), education in the context of Buddhism and Zen Buddhism ( Thích Nhất Hạnh , Thomas Merton ), education in the context of Cistercians / Trappists ( Aelred von Rievaulx ) and philosophical anthropology .

Fonts (selection)

  • as editor with Jutta Mägdefrau : Partial holism in social work. Experience with a research position. Festschrift for Norbert Huppertz . Oberried 1998, ISBN 3-931992-06-3 .
  • as editor with Norbert Huppertz: Hans-Reiner-Gesamtwerk . Oberried.
  • Ethics and pedagogy. The philosophical-anthropological ethics of Hans Reiner and their meaning for a life-related education . Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-8300-2055-4 .
  • with Birgit Retzlaff: Association of German Girls in the Hitler Youth. Optional reasons for girls and young women to join the BDM . Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8300-3422-3 .
  • Martin Heidegger - “A thinker in needy times”. Philosophical-anthropological studies on Heidegger's fundamental ontology . Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-8300-8592-8 .
  • Anthropology of death. Philosophical-anthropological analysis of the borderline scientific phenomena dying, death and afterlife . Hamburg 2019, ISBN 978-3-339-10600-1 .
  • Anthropology of mysticism. “Mysticism” and “mystical experience” in the context of a philosophical anthropology . Hamburg 2020, ISBN 978-3-339-11410-5 .

Web links