Jörg Splett

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Jörg Splett

Jörg Splett (born August 29, 1936 in Magdeburg ) is a Catholic religious philosopher and anthropologist .

Live and act

Jörg Splett was born in Magdeburg as the son of a lawyer (later President of the Senate at the Higher Regional Court in Cologne). Carl Maria Splett , Bishop of Danzig, was a cousin of the father. From 1947 to 1956 Splett attended the Aloisius College in Bad Godesberg. After graduating from high school, he joined the Jesuit order and completed the novitiate in Eringerfeld . In 1960 he left the order. He studied philosophy , psychology , fundamental theology, and education in Pullach , Cologne and Munich. After receiving his doctorate on Hegel's doctrine of the Trinity with Max Müller , he was Karl Rahner's assistant in Munich for three years .

From 1971 he taught philosophical anthropology , religious philosophy and the history of philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries at the two universities of the Jesuit order in Germany: at the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main and at the University of Philosophy in Munich . He retired from the Sankt Georgen University of Applied Sciences in 2005, but continued to give seminars and colloquia outside of the regular study program until May 2019. He taught at Munich University until the end of the 2016/2017 winter semester. In 1986 Splett held a visiting professorship in the Jerusalem theological academic year at the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem ; Several times he has taken on substitute professorships at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In the 2016 summer semester he also held the Hemmerle Professorship in Aachen. In 2014 the Theological Faculty of the University of Augsburg awarded him an honorary doctorate.

He became known beyond the field of universities for his lectures on Hegel and questions of the philosophy of religion. So Splett worked in adult, teacher and priest training. From 1980 to 2009 he was a member of the editorial team of the journal Theologie und Philosophie and from 1982 to 2002 he was an editorial member of Il Nuovo Areopago . In addition, he has been involved in the foundation for political and Christian youth education since 1985 . a. at their Young Leaders academies . In February 2016 he received the Oswald von Nell-Breuning Prize from this foundation.

Splett has published 31 books and has authored more than 850 scientific articles and over 550 book reviews. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts .

With eight other personalities - theologians and well-known Catholics - Splett addressed an open letter to Cardinal Reinhard Marx , which was published on February 3, 2019 in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . The signatories called for a "new start with sexual morality" with a "reasonable and fair assessment of homosexuality", "real separation of powers" in the church and the removal of the excesses of the ordination office and its opening up to women. They appealed to the German Bishops' Conference to give diocesan priests the freedom to choose their way of life, "so that celibacy can again credibly refer to the kingdom of heaven".

Jörg Splett has been married since 1964 and has two sons.

Fonts (selection)

  • GWF Hegel's doctrine of the Trinity [1965, dissertation]. 3. Edition. Alber, Freiburg / Munich 1984. Italian translation: La dottrina della Trinità in Hegel . Queriniana, Brescia 1993.
  • Experience of God in thinking. On the Philosophical Justification of Speaking of God [1973]. 5th enlarged edition. Institute for the Promotion of the Doctrine of Faith, Munich 2005.
  • Man is person. On the Christian justification of being human [1978]. 2nd Edition. Knecht, Frankfurt a. M. 1986.
  • Freedom Experience: Realizations of Christian Anthropo-Theology [1986]. 3. Edition. Koinonia-Oriens, Cologne 2006.
  • Thinking before God. Philosophy as love of truth . Knecht, Frankfurt a. M. 1996.
  • Person and belief. Honored to the truth . Institute for the Promotion of the Doctrine of Faith, Munich 2009.
  • Philosophy for theology. With a laudation by Bishop R. Voderholzer (edited by P. Hofmann and J. C. Pech). Be & Be, Heiligenkreuz 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The philosopher Jörg Splett: a dialogical portrait. Part I: Roots (1936-1956) .
  2. The philosopher Jörg Splett: a dialogical portrait. Part II: Becoming (1956–1971) .
  3. ^ Jörg Splett: Karl Rahner in Munich and at the council . In: Konrad Hilpert (Ed.): Generation Council. Contemporary witnesses report . Herder, Freiburg 2013, p. 238.
  4. ^ "Open letter to Cardinal Marx: Demand for upheaval in the Church" , domradio.de , February 3, 2019.