Jörg Vieweg

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Jörg Vieweg

Jörg Vieweg (born March 15, 1971 in Karl-Marx-Stadt ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and former member of the Saxon state parliament .


Jörg Vieweg grew up in his hometown Karl-Marx-Stadt. After attending school at the "Wenzel Verner" polytechnic high school from 1977 to 1987, he completed training as a toolmaker by 1989. After German reunification , Vieweg initially worked as an insurance specialist from 1991 to 1992 and between 1992 and 1998 as an office manager and managing director in the financial services sector. At the same time, Vieweg was training in the insurance sector in 1994. In 1999 he switched to cultural management and until 2004 he headed the “Achtermai” cultural center and from 2004 to 2014 the “Südbahnhof-Chemnitz” cultural and event center. In 2020 he switched to the energy industry and works as a project developer in the field of renewable energies.


In 2001 Jörg Vieweg joined the SPD. Since 2008 he has been deputy chairman of the SPD Chemnitz and since 2009 chairman of the local association Kappel-Helbersdorf. In 2012 he was elected regional chairman of the working group for self-employed in the SPD (AGS).

In the municipal elections in Saxony in 2014 , Jörg Vieweg ran for first place in the Kappel-Helbersdorf-Morgenleite-Hutholz constituency and was elected to the Chemnitz city council for the first time. There he is a member of the Works and Social Committee, Association Council of the Waste Management Association Chemnitz, Supervisory Board WeTraC Wertstoff-Transport Chemnitz GmbH and environmental policy spokesman for the SPD city council group. In the local elections in Saxony in 2019 , he ran again on list number 1 in constituency 6 (Kapellenberg, Kappel, Helbersdorf, Morgenleite, Hutholz). There the SPD achieved its best result of all Chemnitz constituencies with 14.59%. Compared to the previous local election, Vieweg was able to win twice the number of votes and was re-elected to the Chemnitz city council. In the current electoral term, Vieweg is a member of the Committee for Climate Protection, Environment and Security and the Committee for Urban Development and Mobility. In addition, he is a member of the supervisory board of the property and building management company (GGG), member of the association of the waste management association Chemnitz (AWVC) and member of the association of the savings bank association Chemnitz. Also in the current electoral term, Vieweg is the environmental policy spokesman for his group.

For the state elections in Saxony in 2014 , Vieweg ran in the constituency of Chemnitz 4 , missed the direct mandate with 14.9%, but entered the 6th Saxon state parliament via the SPD state list. There he was a member of the Committee on School and Sport, the Petitions Committee, the Election Review Committee and the European Committee. In the 2019 state elections , Vieweg ran again as a direct candidate and ranked 18th on the state list, but both his first vote result and the SPD's share of the vote were too low to be re-elected.

Honorary positions

In his hometown of Helbersdorf, Jörg Vieweg founded a civic association in 2011, in which he is chairman. In this role, he helped found a public participation platform, the Chemnitz-Süd Citizens Network, and has been its spokesperson since 2011. Vieweg is chairman of the Auto Club Europa eV Kreis Sachsen-Süd (ACE) and a founding member of the International Stefan Heym Society

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.chemnitz.de/chemnitz/de/rathaus/wahlen/kommunalwahl/verbindungen_stadtratswahl.html
  2. ^ State list of the SPD Saxony for the 2019 state elections
  3. ^ Website of the Chemnitz-Süd citizen network

Web links