Jörg Zwicker

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Jörg Zwicker (born May 6, 1969 in Judenburg ) is an Austrian cellist , conductor , music teacher, mediator , mental trainer and lecturer.


Zwicker grew up near Graz . His parents were music teachers. He graduated from the Musikgymnasium Graz, but at the same time he was studying violoncello concert at the Musikhochschule Graz with Hildgund Posch. Other important teachers during this time were Kurt Neuhauser, Ernst Knava, Helmut Gugerbauer and Max Engel.

At the age of 20, Zwicker completed his concert studies for violoncello with a diploma. Through his teacher and friend Kurt Neuhauser, he began to deal intensively with the performance of early music at the age of 15 . As a student of Nikolaus Harnoncourt , he founded his first ensemble for early music, Musica Antiqua Graz, in 1985, from which the professional baroque orchestra Capella Leopoldina emerged in 1992. From 1991 to 1995 he completed special studies in the performance practice of early music and baroque cello with Jaap ter Linden at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag , Netherlands, Christophe Coin at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis , Switzerland, and viola da gamba with José Vazquez at the Music University in Vienna, Austria. Since 1995 he has been leading a class for baroque cello at the Conservatory Vienna Private University and is senior lecturer for cello, didactics, chamber music and ensemble conducting at the Graz University of Music . Zwicker is a member of numerous other special ensembles for early music (Saitsiing, ensemble amarena, etc.) and has worked with conductors such as Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Bart and Sigiswald Kuijken, Eric Ericson , Marc Minkowski , Erwin Ortner , Konrad Junghänel , Johannes Prinz, Howard Arman, Fabio Luisi . His musical work is documented in over 40 CD productions and numerous radio and television recordings. As a cellist, conductor, course leader and lecturer, he has made guest appearances all over Europe, the USA, the former Soviet Union and India.

Jörg Zwicker is a certified mountain guide (1993). 1999–2012 Zwicker was an expert on reptiles (focus on species protection and crocodiles); In this function he prepares court reports, was an expedition leader, produced nature documentaries for television stations, gives lectures and works on WWF projects.

In 2011–13 he completed his training as a mediator under the Civil Law Mediation Act, since then he has been working as a conflict facilitator / mediator in the field of business, neighborhood and family. In 2014 he trained as a certified specialist trainer and mental trainer.

As a trainer in the areas of stage presence, presentation, moderation, communication and body language, Zwicker holds lectures and seminars all over Europe. The mental trainer is also specially designed for musicians and competitive athletes.

Jörg Zwicker lives with his family in Rein near Graz. Wife Selma (music teacher and choir director) and three children (Anna Magdalena, Martha, Leonhard). Zwicker's sister Eva is a flautist in the Klangforum Wien .

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