Jørgen Knudsen

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Jørgen Knudsen (born March 22, 1926 - † September 1, 2017 ) was a Danish educator , writer , literary and social critic who was awarded the Søren Gyldendal Prize in 1976.

life and career

After attending school, Knudsen studied general history of literature and comparative literature and graduated in 1952 with a master's degree . Then he was first a teacher in Askov and then until 1977 at the folk high school in Kolding .

He was also an employee of various daily newspapers and the author of books such as Tysk litteratur fra Thomas Mann til Bertolt Brecht (1966). Besides translated he the steward of Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz in the revision of Bertolt Brecht in 1969 in the Danish language under the title Huslæreren . In 1976 he was awarded the Søren Gyldendal Prize, which also recognized his clear writing style and commitment to morally critical engagement.

His main work, a three-volume biography about Georg Brandes , was published between 1985 and 1994 . His other publications include the book Vækstens Tyranni (1992).

Knudsen died on September 1, 2017 at the age of 91.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kendt forfatter er død . Lokalavisen.dl, September 2, 2017, accessed September 4, 2017 ( Danish ).