Jürgen Christian Buchheister

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Jürgen Christian Buchheister (born January 1, 1806 in Hamburg ; † March 15, 1871 ibid) was a German doctor .


Buchheister was the son of Georg Heinrich Buchheister, who was a surgeon on the Hamburger Berg in St. Pauli . His mother was Johanna Katharina Buchheister, née Prangen. Despite difficult financial circumstances, which the family got into during the Hamburg French period , Buchheister was able to attend the Selekta of the high school in Altona as a 19-year-old after previous self-study . In 1827 he began studying at the University of Goettingen and was already after 2¼ years on September 21, 1829 Dr. med. PhD. Since Buchheister had not met the legally prescribed three-year deadline, he was unable to take the state examination in Hamburg and initially returned to Göttingen. In April 1830 he passed his exams in Hamburg and settled in St. Pauli as a doctor.

At the time of the cholera epidemic, which broke out in Hamburg in October 1831, Buchheister was in charge of the Hornwerk hospital and became known for his particularly committed work. He took the view that cholera was not contagious and vaccinated himself with blood from cholera sufferers to calm frightened employees.

Buchheister was a member of the Hamburg Constituent Assembly and was from 1859 to 1865 the Hamburg Parliament as an MP at.

The Hamburg hydraulic engineering director Max Jürgen Buchheister (1842–1903) was his son.


  • Dissertatio inauguralis medica de simplici luis venereae curandae method . Göttingen 1830, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10842823-5 .
  • with Carl Noodt: Experiences with Cholera asiatica in Hamburg in the autumn of 1831 . Aue, Altona 1832 ( online ).
  • Protest against moderation associations in the name of medicine, morality, economy, etc. Humanity . Berendsohn, Hamburg 1841.


  • Wilhelm Heyden: The members of the Hamburg citizenship 1859–1862 . Festschrift for December 6, 1909. Herold in Komm., Hamburg 1909, p. 22 .
  • Hans Schröder: Buchheister (Jürgen Christian) . In: Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present . tape 1 , no. 488 . Perthes-Besser u. Mauke, Hamburg 1851, p. 423 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Individual evidence

  1. Hamburg State Archives, 622-1 / 16 Buchheister, Findbuch. (PDF) hamburg.de, accessed on June 22, 2015 .