Jürgen Kriebel (sculptor)

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J. Kriebel's pulpit in Bremen Cathedral, 1641

Jürgen Kriebel , also Georg Kriebel, Krübeln, Grübel (* around 1580/90, probably in Magdeburg , † 1645 in Glückstadt ) was a German sculptor of the Baroque period.

Life and activity

When Kriebel created perhaps his earliest work with the alabaster figures on the baptismal font for Leipzig's St. Thomas Church in 1614 , his workshop, which may have existed since around 1610, was in Magdeburg. After the city was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War (1631) , he settled in Hamburg, for whose churches he had already worked in 1627. Since 1633 he was based in Glückstadt , then Danish , and worked for Christian IV . The pulpit for the Bremen Cathedral (1641) and the church in Otterndorf (1644) were commissioned by the king .

Some statuettes of ivory and a number of epitaphs are blackflies stylistic reasons based on secure work in Bremen attributed . His early figure style still shows expressive, mannerist features in the angular, frozen movements and the splintery fold style, which are softened in his later work and gain in statics and volume.


A number of epitaphs and grave sculptures as well as the destroyed and lost works are documented by Storck and are not listed here.
  • Pulpit with figurative decoration, wood, St. Petri Cathedral Bremen, 1641
  • Baptismal font with figural alabaster decoration, dated 1614, Leipzig, St. Thomas Church
  • Pulpit with figurative decoration, wood, Otterndorf, St. Severi, 1644
  • Maria and Johannes Ev., Ivory, Paris, Louvre, around 1620–1630


  • Karl Storck: Jürgen Kriebel, court sculptor at Glückstadt . In: Nordelbingen. Volume 21, 1953, pp. 99-116.
  • Christian Theuerkauff: On some unknown ivory works from the 17th century . In: Art history studies for Kurt Bauch on his 70th birthday. Munich and Berlin 1967, pp. 189–198.
  • Jörg Rasmussen: Jürgen Kriebel. In: Barockplastik in Norddeutschland , exhibition catalog Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Mainz 1977, pp. 262–267.
  • Denny Krietzsch: The Magdeburg sculpture school in Glückstadt - life and work of Georg Kriebels, court sculptor Christian IV (1583-1645) . In: Lectures of the Detlefsen Society . No. 16, 2014, pp. 45-69.