Jürgen Schmidt (archaeologist)

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Jürgen Schmidt (born June 23, 1929 in Berlin , † December 17, 2010 ) was a German building researcher and Near Eastern archaeologist .

Jürgen Schmidt studied art history in 1947/48 at the Humboldt University in Berlin and from 1949 to 1955 architecture with a focus on art history, building history and archeology at the Technical University of Berlin . From 1955 to 1964 Schmidt worked first as a research assistant and then as an academic adviser at the Institute for Building History at the TU Berlin. In 1962 he received his doctorate in Berlin and in 1965 became second director at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). In 1967 Schmidt became the first director of the Baghdad department of the DAI and held this position until 1994. Also in 1967 he took over the management of the excavations inUruk / Warka , Babylon and Tulul al-Ukhaidir and other surveys in Iraq and filled this position until 1978. In 1978 Schmidt headed the establishment of the Sanaa branch of the DAI. From 1982 to 1985 he headed the interdisciplinary research project “Ancient Technology” and from 1988 to 1994 the excavation projects in Ma'rib and Sirwah . Schmidt was a full member of the DAI.


  • Preliminary report on the excavations undertaken by the German Archaeological Institute and the German Orient Society with funds from the German Research Foundation in Uruk-Warka , volumes 26–32 (1968–1974)


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