Jacinta Marto

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Jacinta, ca.1917

Jacinta Marto (born March 11, 1910 in Aljustrel, today part of Fátima , ( Portugal ), † February 20, 1920 in Lisbon ) is a Portuguese saint who is said to have witnessed an apparition of Mary .


Jacinta (right) with Francisco and Lúcia (left)
Tombs of Jacinta Marto and Lúcia dos Santos in the Antiga Basilica of Fátima

She was the youngest child of Manuel Marto († February 3, 1957) and Olímpia de Jesus († April 3, 1956).

While herding the sheep, an angel is said to have appeared three times in 1917, together with her brother Francisco Marto and her cousin Lúcia dos Santos near Fátima (Portugal) . From May 13 to October 13, 1917, the three children had apparitions of Mary on the 13th of each month (with the exception of August, when the children were kidnapped) in the Cova da Iria (German: Grube der Iria ) near Fátima. According to her statements, she saw and heard the apparition, but Lúcia led the conversation.

In December 1918 she fell ill with the Spanish flu , which led to purulent pleurisy . Hospital stays in Vila Nova de Ourém and Lisbon and an operation on February 10, 1920, during which two ribs were removed, brought no cure. According to her information, Maria appeared again several times in the hospital.

Jacinta died on February 20, 1920. Since the child had succumbed to a contagious purulent disease, the body was covered with a thick layer of lime and buried in a tomb. She has been buried in the Rosary Basilica of Fátima since May 1, 1951 .

Beatification and canonization process

On the occasion of the pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II in Fátima, she was beatified on May 13, 2000 together with her brother Francisco . In the process of canonization , on March 23, 2017 , Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to the intercession of Jacinta and her brother Francisco. This fulfilled the final requirement for the siblings to be canonized. Jacinta Marto was canonized on May 13, 2017 during a visit by the Pope to Fatima on the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary.

Her liturgical feast day is February 20th.


  • J. de Marchi: Fatima from the beginning . Fatima / Portugal in various translations and editions.
  • L. Gonzaga da Fonseca: Maria speaks to the world . 15th edition. Tyrolia, Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich 1963.
  • Gregor Kauling: Visions and the question of their authenticity. Fatima - Medjugorje - Marpingen . Oros, Altenberge 2001, ISBN 3-89375-200-5 .
  • Visconde de Montelo: As grandes maravilhas de Fátima . Lisboa 1927 (Portuguese).
  • Georg Scharf: Fatima currently. Message and messenger . Schmitz, Münster 1984, ISBN 3-922054-04-8 .
  • Manuel Fernando Silva: Pastoress de Fátima . Lisbon, Paulinen 2003 (469 pages)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Promulgazione di Decreti della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , March 23, 2017, accessed March 23, 2017 (Italian).