Jacob Adolf Hägg

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Jacob Adolf Hägg (born June 29, 1850 in Östergarn on Gotland ; † March 1, 1928 in Bjuråker ) was a Swedish composer .

Hägg studied from 1865 to 1870 at the Conservatory of Stockholm on Jan van Boom piano as well as in Copenhagen with Niels Gade and in Berlin with Friedrich Kiel composition. Because of a mental illness he spent the years 1880 to 1895 in a hospital. He then lived as a pianist and composer, initially in Hedvigsfors , from 1900 to 1909 in Norway and finally in Hudiksvall .

Hägg composed four symphonies and other orchestral and choral works, chamber music , a collection of Little Nordic Songs without Words for piano, ten piano suites as well as pieces for cello and organ.