Jacques-Noël Sané

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Jacques-Noël Sané, portrait by Julien Léopold Boilly

Jacques-Noël Sané (born February 18, 1740 in Brest , † August 22, 1831 in Paris ) was a French naval engineer and one of the most successful shipbuilders of the so-called Age of Sail .

Sané studied under Duhamel du Monceau and his designs were so successful that he was nicknamed " Vauban de la marine".

Its innovative design was evident in the Océan , which was built in 1790. The hull was simply designed, with straight lines, sparse decorations and curved sides. The stern was almost integrated into the fuselage.

The performance of his ships of the line was almost comparable to that of frigates . English shipyards of the time often copied this series and carried it over to their own ships.

The masts were thinner and taller, but at the same time stronger than the constructions of the 18th century. The aft mizzen sail got its final shape around the year 1780, when slab sails became common, which made it possible to regulate the sail area much finer and to adapt it to the respective conditions. This enabled the ships to sail higher upwind. The shape of the hull did not change as much as the sails and the speed was only advanced with the development of the clippers in the 19th century, which drastically reduced drift due to their novel hull shape .

The French Navy at the time was divided into three categories:

  • The first, consisting of three- deckers with 118 guns and two-deckers with 80 guns
  • The second, consisting of two-deckers with 74 guns as well
  • The third, consisting of two-deckers with 64 guns.

At the time of Sané, 107 identical 74-gun ships of the Téméraire class were built. Of the Océan class , 35 ships with 80 guns and nine with 118 guns were built. Over by the British during the Battle of Toulon applied Commerce_de_Marseille_1788 with 118 guns was claimed they leave despite their size "as a frigate control".

From 1796 he was a member of the Académie des sciences . In 1809 he was accepted as a corresponding member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences .

Outstanding developments


  1. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/gerard.delacroix/118/plaquette-e.htm
  2. ^ List of members since 1666: Letter S. Académie des sciences, accessed on February 24, 2020 (French).
  3. ^ Past Members: JN Sané (1740–1831). Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, accessed February 24, 2020 .