Jacques Bainville

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Jacques Bainville

Jacques Bainville (born February 9, 1879 in Vincennes on the Seine, † February 9, 1936 in Paris ) was a French journalist and historian, staunch monarchist and part of the Action française .

Live and act

Bainville studied literature and history at the Lycée Henri IV .

He glorified Napoleon in his widespread history of France and, together with Léon Daudet and Charles Maurras, edited the daily Action française , the mouthpiece of a nationalist and anti-democratic movement.

From 1935 he was a member of the Académie française .

Publications (selection)

  • Story of two peoples. France's struggle against German unity. Hamburg 1939.
  • France's war goal. Hamburg 1939.
  • Napoleon. Munich 1950.

He also published numerous publications in French.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Yes, I love Charles de Gaulle. SPIEGEL interview with the French writer Francois Mauriac. In: Der Spiegel No. 11/1967 of March 6, 1937, p. 114.
  2. ^ Ernst Jünger , Carl Schmitt : Letters 1930–1983. Stuttgart 1999, p. 517.
  3. ^ Book review: Napoleon. Hitler's worst mistakes. In: Der Spiegel No. 2/1951 of January 10, 1951, p. 39f.