Jade cabbage

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Jade Cabbage Palace Museum , Taipei

The jade cabbage ( Chinese  翠玉 白菜 , Pinyin Cuìyù Báicài ) is a valuable item from the collection of the National Palace Museum in the Republic of China (Taiwan) .

The Qing Dynasty sculpture is 18.7 cm long, 9.1 cm wide and 5.07 cm deep. The natural color of jade was used to imitate a Chinese cabbage .


Fleischstein Palace Museum , Taipei

The jade cabbage and meat stone ( 肉 形 石 , Ròuxíngshí ) are now considered important cultural treasures by the National Palace Museum, but they are not considered a national treasure of the Republic of China.

The jade cabbage, the ritual- thing- vessel of Duke Mao ( 毛公鼎 , Máogōngdǐng ) and the meat stone are called together "The three treasures of the National Palace Museum" ( 故宮 三寶  /  故宫 三宝 , Gùgōng Sānbǎo ).


In addition to the three jade cabbage sculptures of different sizes collected in the National Palace Museum, there are two other specimens, each in the Beijing Palace Museum and the Tianjin Palace Museum . According to researchers from the Qing Dynasty, the warlord Sun Dianying ( 孫殿英  /  孙殿英 ) broke into the mausoleum of the Dowager Empress Cixi in 1928 to loot the grave goods, stealing her favorite jade cabbage. His whereabouts were later unknown. Therefore there are at least six different types of jade cabbage, but they have different shapes. Currently, the jade cabbage, the Qingming roll ( 清明上河圖  /  清明上河图  - "image of a river bank scene for the Qingming Festival") from the 18th century and the jasper meat piece in the National Palace Museum are the most popular cultural treasures among tourists. The National Palace Museum offers many souvenirs that vary the motif of the jade cabbage.


Detail - insect on the jade cabbage

While there is not just one jade cabbage, this is by far the most common specimen on display and shown in photos. There is little literature on the jade cabbage. All that is known is that this jade sculpture was originally exhibited in the Yonghe Palace in the Forbidden City, and it is also believed that it was the dowry of Emperor Guangxu's Imperial concubine Jin.

The jade sculpture is made of one piece and the natural color of the jade was used to carve the green leaves and the white petioles. The shape of the Chinese cabbage signifies the innocence of women, and a deciduous locust and a migratory locust have been carved on the leaf. The two animals also symbolize "many offspring". The grasshopper is known colloquially by the Chinese as "weaver" ( 紡織娘  /  纺织娘 , fǎngzhīniáng ) or "Guo-Guo" ( 蟈蟈  /  蝈蝈 , guōguo ), which is a regional name for the grasshopper (Mecopoda elongata). The grasshopper's left antennae on the jade cabbage broke off an inch. This damage can be seen in a 1966 archive photo of the Republic of China.

Exhibitions abroad

In 2014, the jade cabbage and the meat stone, along with other cultural treasures of the National Palace Museum, were exhibited for the first time in other Asian countries - in Japan - as part of a special exhibition with 231 pieces, which were first shown in the Tokyo National Museum and then in the Kyushu National Museum . The jade cabbage itself was displayed in Tokyo for just two weeks from June 24th to July 7th , then it was immediately brought back to Taipei.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jadeite Cabage. National Palace Museum Taiwan, accessed January 15, 2020 (Chinese, English, Japanese).
  2. 故宮 副 院長 馮 明珠 : 不 反對 翠玉 白菜 、 肉 形 石 升級 為 國寶 - The Vice Director of the National Palace Museum, Fung Mingzhu said: The National Palace Museum does not mind the fact that the Chinese jade cabbage and jasper meat are classified as national treasures become. ( Memento from August 9, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ). In: Radio Taiwan International , accessed January 12, 2020 (Chinese)
  3. Sam Ju: The Crystallization of the Jadeite Cabbage . Translated by David Smith. In: Taiwan Panorama , October 2009, p. 83; Retrieved November 20, 2010.
  4. 故宮 3 顆 翠玉 白菜 大小不一 - The size of the three jade Chinese cabbage in the National Palace Museum are different ( Memento from December 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). In: www.cna.com.tw, ​​accessed January 12, 2020 (Chinese)
  5. WEI, Min - 魏敏 ( editor ): 珍貴 無比! 盤點 故宮 博物館 收藏 的 絕世 翡翠 - Inestimable value! Counting of the jade objects collected in the Beijing Palace Museum. In: cri.cn from Xinhua . November 14, 2011, accessed January 12, 2020 (Chinese).
  6. 清 翡翠 蝈蝈 白菜 - Qing time - The Jade-Guo-Guo Chinese cabbage ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). In: www.tjbwg.com, accessed January 12, 2020 (Chinese)
  7. Sharon @ 燕窩: 翡翠 白菜 - 在 清朝 是 「她」 的 嫁妝。 - The jade cabbage was "their" dowry in the Qing Dynasty. In: myswallownet.pixnet.net. Retrieved January 15, 2020 (Chinese, Detailed Information on the Jade Chinese Cabbage Exhibition).
  8. 朱凱翔, 于 絡 維, 梁家銘: 翡翠 白菜 不是 唯一, 台北 故宮 有 3 顆, 北京 故宮 也 有 - “The jade Chinese cabbage is not the only one: there are three specimens in the National Palace Museum and one specimen in the Forbidden City. “ In: city.udn.com. March 28, 2007, Retrieved January 15, 2012 (Chinese).
  9. 林楠森: 台北 故宫 两大 人气 藏品 前往 日本 展出 - Taipei's two most popular pieces in the museum collection on an exhibition tour in Japan. In: BBC News . June 19, 2014, accessed January 15, 2020 (Chinese (simplified)).
  10. News from Elsewhere - Japan: Thousands see Taiwan's 'Meat-Shaped Stone'. In: BBC News. October 23, 2014, accessed January 15, 2020 .
  11. All of Japan is asking for the jade Chinese cabbage. The National Palace Museum agreed to lend the jade cabbage. Radio Taiwan International , June 18, 2014
  12. 國寶 赴日 展 周美青 率團 - "Exhibition of National Treasures in Japan - Chou, Mei-ching (First Lady of the Republic of China) accompanies the tour". In: Central News Agency (CNA). June 17, 2014, accessed January 15, 2020 (Chinese).
  13. 第一 遭 翠玉 白菜 抵 日本 借 展 - “The Jade Chinese Cabbage Visited for the First Time in Japan in an Exhibition.” In: Apple Daily (Taiwan). June 19, 2014, accessed January 15, 2020 (Chinese).