Hunting ban area

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Border marking and information board for the federal hunting ban area Pez Vial / Greina , Graubünden

Hunting banned areas are specially designated, protected habitats in Swiss hunting law , which serve to protect and preserve rare and - often through hunting - threatened wild mammals and birds . Hunting is prohibited (banned) in the hunting areas . There are 42 hunting areas with a total area of ​​almost 150,900 hectares .


In the first, still existing hunting banned area Freiberg Kärpf in the canton of Glarus , a hunting ban was first issued in 1548 and, after a brief interruption, put into effect again in 1569.

In the first federal law on hunting and bird protection of 1875, the mountain cantons were instructed to designate 19 prohibited districts of an appropriate extent.

Todays situation

The Swiss Federal Council designates hunting banned areas in agreement with the cantons. The stocks of hunted species should be adapted to local conditions. To protect the habitats, shooting can be permitted by game rangers or professional hunters . The federal and cantonal authorities bear the costs for this and for damage caused by game . Camping and bivouacking is not allowed in the hunting areas .

Difference to Wildbann

The Swiss hunting ban areas are not to be confused with the historical game ban in other countries, which was a feudal right to rule. There was no such thing in Switzerland and the Swiss were allowed and allowed to hunt freely (within the framework of nature conservation and hunting laws ). In order to limit this hunt - which, among other things, almost led to the extermination of Alpine ibex - to some extent, the hunting banned areas were created, which are administered and monitored by the federal authorities. Hunting here is only allowed with special permission in exceptional cases (overpopulation, browsing, diseases, defense against danger, etc.).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Hunting Banned Areas. In: Federal Office for the Environment. June 30, 2015, accessed April 16, 2018 .
  2. Kärpf Kt. GL (PDF) , object description of the Kärpf hunting ban area, Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
  3. ^ Karin Marti-Weissenbach: Kärpf. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  4. ^ Kurt Müller, Hans-Jörg Blankenhorn: Hunt. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  5. Ordinance on Federal Hunting Areas , Section 2, Art. 5, e