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Jahna-Kagen was a parish that existed from 1969 to 1974. It went on in the Jahna-Löthain community .

Geography and history

Jahna-Kagen was west of the city of Meißen on the left bank of the Elbe . Before its dissolution in 1974, the community consisted of the 14 districts Gasern , Großkagen , Jesseritz , Kaisitz , Kleinkagen , Mohlis , Niederjahna , Nimtitz , Oberjahna , Priesa , Pröda , Schletta , Sieglitz and Tronitz .

On January 1, 1969, the previously independent towns Jahna and Kagen merged to form Jahna-Kagen. The community was in the Meißen district ( Dresden district ) of the GDR . Just five years after its creation, Jahna-Kagen and Löthain merged on March 1, 1974 to form the municipality of Jahna-Löthain with 20 districts.

Web links

  • Jahna-Kagen in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony

Individual evidence

  1. a b Municipalities 1994 and their changes since January 1st, 1948 in the new federal states , Metzler-Poeschel publishing house, Stuttgart, 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 , publisher: Federal Statistical Office