Jakob Joseph Wandt

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Jakob Joseph Wandt

Jakob Joseph Wandt (born August 16, 1780 in Dingelstädt , † October 16, 1849 in Hildesheim ) was the third bishop of Hildesheim from 1842 to 1849 after the end of the prince-bishopric and the new definition of the diocesan borders.


Jakob Joseph Wandt studied after graduating from high school Josephinum in Hildesheim theology at the philosophical-theological institute connected to the high school . He was ordained a priest on March 7, 1805 . For three decades, from 1804 to 1834, he taught at the Josephinum; from 1824 he was headmaster. In 1830 he became cathedral capitular .

When the new diocesan seminary was established at the Brühl in Hildesheim in 1834 , Bishop Godehard Joseph Osthaus appointed Wandt to be the first rain .

Bishop election

Franz Ferdinand Fritz , Bishop of Hildesheim since 1836, died in 1840. In the election, the cathedral chapter wavered between Wandt and the cathedral dean Merz. As in all church questions of the time, the battle of strength between the church and the new secular state also played a role in this matter. The Hanoverian government favored the more conciliatory Merz. Thereupon the cathedral chapter wanted to renounce its right to vote and leave the decision to the Roman Curia . When the government spoke out against it, the cathedral chapter elected Wandt on December 9, 1841. The Roman confirmation followed on May 22nd, and on August 14th, 1842 Jakob Joseph Wandt received the episcopal ordination from the Osnabrück auxiliary bishop Karl Anton Joseph Lüpke .

Episcopal work

What had already shaped the election process remained characteristic of Wandt's tenure. There were repeated trials of power with the government, especially when it came to mixed marriages and schools. He had to withdraw a school catechism that Wandt had published in 1843 without government approval. Overall, his stance was stricter than that of his predecessors.

A high point of his episcopate was his participation in the Würzburg Bishops' Conference of 1848. He reported about it:

Memorial picture from the Würzburg Bishops' Conference; exactly in the middle Bishop Wandt; under the cathedrals on the left, fourth from the top, the Hildesheim Cathedral

“The mutual getting to know each other of the ministerial brothers, the uplifting apostolic unanimity in the treatment of the important questions concerning our Holy Church, the cordiality with which one met each other in those days, no less the exchange of ideas with bishops, their energetic and at the same time A measured and circumspect demeanor had to invigorate and ignite a mood depressed by failures and obstacles, finally the perception of the divine power and authority inherent in the Church even under the pressure of cramped conditions and frightening processes: all of this contributed to making this assembly powerful An impetus for a new movement in church life, to appear as a new era of the church future. "

- Jakob Joseph Wandt 1848

Individual evidence

  1. quoted from Thomas Scharf-Wrede: Das Bistum Hildesheim 1866–1914 , Hanover 1995, p. 41


  • Thomas Scharf-Wrede: The Diocese of Hildesheim in the 19th Century , ISBN 2-87718-891-4 , p. 15

Web links

Commons : Jakob Joseph Wandt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Franz Ferdinand Fritz Bishop of Hildesheim
1842 - 1849
Eduard Jakob Wedekin