Jakob Meskó from Széplak and Enyiczke

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Jakob Meskó von Széplak and Enyiczke (* 1713 ; † 1797 ) was a Hungarian baron and landlord.


The Meskó family came from the lower nobility or official nobility of Upper Hungary , today's Slovakia. Their story becomes tangible at the end of the 17th century with the brothers Adam and Jakob Meskó, who were awarded the title of Hungarian baron in July 1721. While Adam had his possessions in western Hungary's Ödenburg County, his brother Jakob's goods were concentrated in Upper Hungary, today's Slovakia. In 1717 he acquired the place Széplak, today Krásna nad Hornádom, a district of Košice in eastern Slovakia, which is why the family called themselves Meskó von Széplak from then on . In 1744 Jacob's wife Barbara, at that time already widowed, was supposed to buy Enyiczke - today Haniska , around 13 km from Košice - from Prince Lobkowitz . Thus this line of Meskós was called from 1744 by Széplak and Enyiczke. Like his brother Adam, Jakob Meskó was a lawyer and worked in the Hungarian state administration and the Hungarian court chamber; in 1713 he was court chamber councilor there. In 1716 his official title was trainee lawyer for the Kingdom of Hungary ( pro Regno Hungariae Referendarius etc. ) . In 1733 Jakob Meskó was the Royal Councilor. He died in 1740.


Baron Jakob Meskó von Széplak and Enyiczke was the son of the founder of the Upper Hungarian line of the Meskós, Jakob Meskó, and the Barbara Hegymeghy. He was married twice, his first marriage to Baroness Anna Joanelli (also Ivanelli) and his second marriage to Countess Rosalia Dezsewffy.

Church foundations

Jakob Meskó von Széplak and Enyiczke appeared as the founder of church buildings. In 1760 he initiated the construction of the St. John of Nepomuk Church in Enyiczke. In 1768 he financed the new construction of the St. Joachim and Anna church in Hernád-Némethi near Miskolc. In 1783 he paid for the construction of the St. Barbara church in Hilyó near Košice.

Heir to Eva Maria Starhemberg

When his very old and very wealthy cousin Eva Maria Starhemberg, born Meskó, the childless last representative of the west Hungarian line of the Meskós, died on March 24th, 1772, he became the heir of their possessions, above all from Nikitsch with the fort Gálosháza, the town and castle Draßburg and the Palais Meskó in Ödenburg.


Jakob Meskó von Széplak and Enyiczke died very old in 1797 and was buried in the Nikitsch crypt chapel of the Meskós, where his elaborate late baroque tombstone has been preserved to this day. On May 11, 1798, his son donated the stately sum of 640 guilders for an annual requiem to the Dominicans in Košice for the deceased Baron Jakob Meskó.


  • Stefan René Buzanich: Small contributions to the history of Croatian mini farm in the 18th and 19th centuries. With a contribution by Dr. Felix Tobler (Vienna 2019, pp. 2–8).
  • Stefan René Buzanich: The 18th and 19th centuries (with some outlooks into the 20th century) , in: Municipality of Nikitsch, district Croatian Minihof (ed.): Mjenovo. Croatian Minihof (Croatian Minihof 2013, pp. 90-107).

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan René Buzanich: Small contributions to the history of Croatian Minihof in the 18th and 19th centuries. With a contribution by Dr. Felix Tobler . Vienna 2019, p. 8 .
  2. ^ A b c Felix Tobler: On the history of the so-called Kersnarich'schen Edelhof in Draßburg . In: Burgenland homeland sheets . 35th year. Eisenstadt 1973, p. 94 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).
  3. Harald Prickler: Gálosháza . In: Burgenländische Heimatblätter 45th year Eisenstadt 1983, p. 183 .
  4. ^ Johann Siebmacher: The coats of arms of the nobility in Hungary (= J. Siebmacher's great coat of arms book, Volume 33) . Neustadt / Aisch 1982, p. 416 f .
  5. Stefan René Buzanich: Small contributions to the history of Croatian Minihof in the 18th and 19th centuries. With a contribution by Dr. Felix Tobler . Vienna 2019, p. 2 f .
  6. ^ Stefan Brakensiek: Supplication as a communicative technique of rule in compound monarchies . In: Gabriele Haug-Moritz, Sabine Ullmann (Ed.): Early modern supplication practice and monarchical rule from a European perspective (Contributions to the legal history of Austria, Volume 2/2015) . Vienna 2015, p. 317 .
  7. ^ Vigilius Greiderer: Germania Franciscana, seu chronicon geographo-historicum ordinis SP Francisci in Germania [...] Innsbruck 1777, p. 530 .
  8. Márton Meskó: A Felső-kubini Meskó család leszármazása és történeti emlékei . Mezö-Berény 1894, p. 18 and 45 .
  9. Márton Meskó: A Felső-kubini Meskó család leszármazása és történeti emlékei . Mezö-Berény 1894, p. 18 and 45 .
  10. Márton Meskó: A Felső-kubini Meskó család leszármazása és történeti emlékei . Mezö-Berény 1894, p. 45 .
  11. Schematismus venerabilis cleri dioecesis Cassoviensis . Košice 1861, p. 13 .
  12. Schematismus venerabilis cleri dioecesis Cassoviensis . Košice 1861, p. 110 .
  13. Schematismus venerabilis cleri dioecesis Cassoviensis . Košice 1861, p. 24 .
  14. ^ Eduard-Maria Oettinger: Moniteur des Dates, contenant un million de renseignements biographiques, généalogiques et historiques […] 19th delivery, July 1867 . S. 11 .
  15. Stefan René Buzanich: The 18th and 19th centuries (with some views to the 20th century) . In: Municipality of Nikitsch, district Croatian Minihof (ed.): Mjenovo. Croatian mini farm . Croatian Minihof 2013, p. 90 .
  16. Stefan René Buzanich: Small contributions to the history of Croatian Minihof in the 18th and 19th centuries. With a contribution by Dr. Felix Tobler . Vienna 2019, p. 8 .
  17. ^ Viliam Štefan Dóci OP: The pastoral activity of the Kaschau preachers. A Dominican convention in the ambience of parish, city and state in the 18th century (= sources and research on the history of the Dominican order, new part 23) . Berlin-Boston 2017, p. 163 .