Jakob Treffeisen

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Jakob Treffeisen (born September 26, 1894 in Freiburg im Breisgau ; † December 17, 1962 there ) was a German politician ( KPD ).


After attending primary school, Treffeisen completed an apprenticeship as a locksmith and then worked in this profession. He did military service from 1913 to 1914, took part in the First World War as a soldier from 1914 to 1918 and was finally taken prisoner by the French, from which he was released in 1920. In the same year he joined the KPD and became its functionary in Oberbaden (chairman of the KPD Freiburg and sub-district leader). From 1927 to 1932 he was a member of the Freiburg Citizens' Committee.

After the National Socialists came to power , Treffeisen was taken into “ protective custody ” several times . His imprisonment in March 1933 was followed by eight months of imprisonment in the Ankenbuck concentration camp, and further arrests in 1934 and 1936. Following his last arrest, he was first taken to the Kislau concentration camp and from there via the Flossenbürg concentration camp to the Dachau concentration camp , where he finally saw the end of the war.

In 1945, Treffeisen became head of the help center for the care of the victims of National Socialism and in the same year city ​​councilor and district councilor in Freiburg. Together with Alfred Müller he founded the Communist Party in Baden , for which he was a member of the Advisory State Assembly of the State of Baden from 1946 to 1947 . He then worked in the Ministry of Economics and Finance of the State of Baden and the State of Baden-Württemberg until his retirement in 1959 .


  • Landtag of Baden-Württemberg (Ed.): MdL, The Members of the Landtag in Baden-Württemberg 1946–1978. Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-12-911930-2 , p. 187