Jakub Gierszał

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Jakub Gierszał (2017)

Jakub Gierszał (born March 20, 1988 in Krakow ) is a Polish actor.


Jakub Gierszał is the son of the theater actor Marek Gierszał . He grew up in Hamburg and Toruń . He is currently studying at the Ludwik Solski Theater School in Krakow. Jakub Gierszał made his film debut in 2009 in the film Wszystko, co kocham . He became known in the lead role of the film Sala samobójców . In 2012 he was named Shooting Star at the Berlinale by the European Film Promotion organization .

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Commons : Jakub Gierszał  - collection of images, videos and audio files