Jamieson River

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Jamieson River
Jamieson River 002.JPG
location Victoria , Australia
River system Murray River
Drain over Goulburn River  → Murray River  → Indian Ocean
source Mount Howitt in the Alpine National Park
37 ° 20 ′ 32 ″  S , 146 ° 22 ′ 22 ″  E
Source height 491  m
muzzle Goulburn River Coordinates: 37 ° 17 '50 "  S , 146 ° 8' 3"  E 37 ° 17 '50 "  S , 146 ° 8' 3"  E
Mouth height 293  m
Height difference 198 m
Bottom slope 6 ‰
length 33 km
Left tributaries Jamieson River South Branch, Handford Creek
Right tributaries Jamieson River North Branch, Mitchell Creek, Devonian Creek
Small towns Jamieson

The Jamieson River is a river in the middle of the Australian state of Victoria .

It rises on the western slopes of Mount Howitt in the Alpine National Park and flows west. It flows into the Goulburn River near the small town of Jamieson .

Its two headwaters are the Jamieson River North Branch and the Jamieson River South Branch .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Map of Jamieson River, VIC . Bonzle.com