Jan Bachmann

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Jan Bachmann (born May 7, 1986 in Basel ) is a Swiss comic author , cartoonist and freelance designer.


Jan Bachmann grew up in Basel and studied at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin . In 2015 he was nominated for the German Film Critics' Award with his short film You should be a robber or at least demolition master . In April 2017 he won the comic prize of the Swiss cities. In March 2018 he published his first graphic novel Mühsam, Anarchist in Quotation marks with the Swiss comic book publisher Edition Moderne .


Hard, anarchist in quotes (2018)

In Bachmann's first graphic novel, the young Lübeck poet and anarchist Erich Mühsam (1878–1934) was sent to Switzerland on cure by his worried brothers in the summer of 1910. He finds himself there in a middle-class environment that is uninterested in his talents. Poetry is difficult for him and his solicitation for a pretty fellow patient is largely unsuccessful. He is constantly plagued by sexuality and financial worries.

The graphic novel is based on the diaries of the German writer Erich Mühsam . Bachmann found inspiration and motivation for the adaptation in Erich Mühsam himself, he described him as "always indebted citizen's boy with great poetic and political ambitions and a masterful self-presentation between crazy self-overestimation and friendly self-irony - as an ideal comic figure" (Jan Bachmann).

Jan Bachmann took the narrative text verbatim from the diaries. However, the dialogues, situations and scenes are made up, which makes the graphic novel the perfect mix of literature and comics.

The Mountain of Naked Truths (2019)

The mountain of naked truths is the prequel to Bachmann's successful comic Mühsam, anarchists in quotation marks. The story takes place ten years earlier, against the background of the activities on Monte Verità , the meeting point of the first dropouts in the 20th century.

Gusto spends his life on Monte Verità in Ticino . But not everything is as carefree as the hippie predecessor had imagined in his dream world. The vegetarian-communist nudist community's money is slowly becoming scarce and when Gusto also takes in a goat from the village, the anger of the residents of Ascona at the dropouts grows . A cultural conflict is looming. Nonetheless, Gusto forges a crazy plan how he can keep his beloved goat with him.

In this graphic novel, too, Bachmann uses historical sources to turn it into a political comedy. The funny thoughts of the goat, which becomes the center of the story, ensure the joke.

Appeared The mountain of naked truths on 1 October 2019 Swiss comics publisher Edition Moderne.


Individual evidence

  1. Official website. Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  2. ^ The mountain of naked truths - Edition Moderne - publishing house for graphic novels and comics; Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  3. ^ Mühsam, anarchist in quotation marks - Edition Moderne - publishing house for graphic novels and comics; Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  4. From the everyday life of an anarchist. Retrieved October 2, 2019 .
  5. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/die-spinner-vom-monte-verita/story/14003307
  6. ^ The mountain of naked truths - Edition Moderne - publishing house for graphic novels and comics; Retrieved October 2, 2019 .