Jan Michał Budar

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Memorial stone at the church in Großpostwitz

Jan Michał Budar , also Johann Michael Budar or Buder , (born December 9, 1713 in Obergurig , † November 25, 1789 ibid) was a Sorbian manor owner and lawyer. He gained importance through the establishment of the Budar Foundation for the benefit of the Sorbian population in Upper and Lower Lusatia .

Budar studied law in Leipzig and then worked as a lawyer in Upper Lusatia. Although himself heir, feudal lord and court lord on Obergurig in the Meißnian office of Stolpen , he represented Sorbian serfs in judicial matters free of charge against their lords as a registered member of the Electoral Saxon bar . This earned him the nickname peasant lawyer . He was often viewed as an enemy of the nobility .

As early as 22 years before his death, he deposited a will with the Stolpen office in which he used the entire Meißnian, Upper and Lower Lusatian Wendish poverty , regardless of their religious beliefs, as the heir to his considerable fortune. He thus established the Budar Foundation, which worked in Lusatia until the 20th century.

In 1867, on the initiative of Maćica Serbska , the Sorbs erected a monument on his grave in Großpostwitz , which was financed by donations from the Sorbian population as an expression of gratitude. It is the first Sorbian monument to a deserving Sorb.


  • Manfred Ladusch: Johann Michael Buder, benefactor of Sorbian poverty , in the calendar Meine Heimat , 1989

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Individual evidence

  1. Christel Lehmann-Enders, Ute Henschel: Das Spreewalddorf Lehde , page 5
  2. Christel Lehmann-Enders, Ute Henschel: Das Spreewalddorf Lehde , page 5
  3. Trudla Malinkowa: Budarjowy pomnik w Budestecach - spočatk serbskeho pomnikarstwa. In: Rozhlad 10/2017, pp. 23-27