Jan Zocha

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Jan Zocha (born May 17, 1967 in Hamburg ) is a German felon who became known as the "king of bank robbers". He is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence with subsequent preventive detention for almost 40 bank robberies .


January Zocha was on May 17, 1967 as the son of a teacher born and a teacher in Hamburg. When Zocha was seven years old, his father shot his mother and himself. Jan, who was taken in by his mother's half-brother and his wife and his younger sister, showed anti-social tendencies even as a small boy, such as the joy of torturing the weaker. At the age of 14 he was enrolled in a boarding school in Goch, where it soon turned out to be intolerable, and at the age of 16 he was sent to a children's home in Munich. Soon afterwards, Zocha became the leader of a gang of his own age that raided 15 banks in 18 months and became known as the "MP gang". After trying unsuccessfully to increase his money in Las Vegas , he was arrested on arrival in Germany and sentenced to nine years in prison on June 22, 1989. In prison he made up his secondary school leaving certificate , graduated from high school and began to study economics by distance learning . In 1990 he knocked down a law enforcement officer and was sentenced to one year in prison . He was released early in August 1996, but was detained for another five and a half years for dating a crime four months later.

In February 2002, returned Zocha by a parole no longer in the prison money and began a spectacular series of 20 bank robberies that made him even on the first place of the search sList the Federal Criminal brought. On July 22, 2003, Zocha was arrested after a bank robbery in Duisburg . On 18 April 2004, he sawed with 23 diamond hone his cell grid of the prison hospital NRW and climbed to a four-meter-long structure made of fabric and furniture parts, the meter-high outer wall, on which he was sent off in the last minute.

The trial against him began on April 20, 2005 under the highest security level. On July 20, 2005, he was sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment with subsequent preventive detention for 14 of the bank robberies .

On February 18, 2008, Zocha tried to escape from the high-security wing of the Bielefeld prison - Brackwede I: While serving breakfast, he threw boiling water in the faces of two law enforcement officers and then attacked them with a chair leg. When he slipped, the cell door was pushed shut and Zocha was overwhelmed with the help of other officers. The two officers attacked suffered severe scalds and bruises and had to be treated by a doctor. Zocha also had self-made explosives with him, one of which exploded and injured his left arm and upper body. He has since been transferred to the Cologne JVA and placed in solitary confinement. On June 18, 2009, he was sentenced to an additional four years in prison for dangerous bodily harm to the two law enforcement officers.

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Individual evidence

  1. according to Article in n-tv.de (dpa report)