Jan van Helmont

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Soldier still life , 1679.

Jan van Helmont (born February 14, 1650 in Antwerp , † after 1714 ) was a Flemish portrait and genre painter .


Jan van Helmont was the son and student of Mattheus van Helmont, who was also an artist. In 1675 Jan became master of the Guild of St. Luke and between 1682 and 1697 registered seven apprentices. On August 26, 1679 he married Isabella de Rousseau, with whom he had four children.

He has repeatedly received portraits from the Antwerp city council. Jacobus Houbraken engraved several portraits by the hand of Jan van Helmont, including that of Antwerp's mayor Bruno van der Dussen.

Only a few works by Jan van Helmont have survived today.

Works (selection)


  • Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Volume 16, Leipzig 1923, p. 351.

Web links

Commons : Jan van Helmont  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Vollmer (ed.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present. Volume 16, Leipzig 1923, p. 351 .
  2. Johann Christoph Allmayer-Beck : The Army History Museum Vienna. Hall I - From the beginnings of the standing army to the end of the 17th century, Salzburg 1982 p. 54.