Japan Film Festival Hamburg

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The Japan-Filmfest Hamburg ( JFFH ) is a film festival that has been held annually in various Hamburg cinemas since 1998 at the end of May. The program of JFFH ranges from cinema films in the Noh series about genre strip in the Naginata series and anime and comedies of rakugo series. The film festival takes place in parallel in several art house cinemas in the Hanseatic city. The exact venues vary somewhat from year to year. Most recently, the three Hamburg cinemas Metropolis Kino , Studio Kino and 3001 Kino were the main venues . In 2015 these three cinemas will again host the JFFH. Since 2002 the Nihon Media e. V. the organizational framework of the JFFH.

Main topics

Every year the JFFH program has a different motto. 2014, the main focus was on "25 years of twinning Osaka - Hamburg ". Due to the increased interest in Japanese cartoons (the best-attended film of the 2014 festival was The Poppy Hill ), the focus in 2015 is “Highlights of Japanese Anime Cinema”. In 2015, anime productions by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli were shown, as well as real comic films. In 2016 the focus was "Japan's Underworld - In the Shadow of the Yakuza ".

Opening films

  • 2009: Café Isobe by Keisuke Yoshida
  • 2010: Tajomaru by Hiroyuki Nakano
  • 2011: Surely Someday (シ ュ ア リ ー ・ サ ム デ イ, Shuari samudei) by Shun Oguri
  • 2012: Black Dawn (外事 警察, Gaiji Keisatsu) by Kentaro Horikirizono
  • 2013: The Floating Castle by Isshin Inudō
  • 2014: Ken & Mary: The Asian Truck Express by Kenta Fukasaku
  • 2015: Lupine III ( ル パ ン 三世 ) by Ryūhei Kitamura
  • 2016: Mozu - The Movie ( 劇場版 , Gekijoban mozu) by Eiichiro Hasum


  • Hamburg University of Fine Arts (2014)
  • Osaka Arts University
  • Osaka Planet Studyo
  • Tōkyō Geijutsu Daigaku
  • Kyoto film festival
  • Consulate of Japan in Hamburg


The Hamburger Morgenpost described the festival as a "crash course in contemporary Japanese cinema that is unparalleled in terms of diversity and intensity" . According to the NDR ( Norddeutscher Rundfunk ) Hamburg-Journal, the festival brings “foreign worlds” to Hamburg.

Web links

Reviews and reviews
Official website

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.abendblatt.de/kultur-live/article116398526/Japanisches-Filmfest-in-drei-Hamburger-Kinos.html
  2. http://blog.jffh.de/2014/06/grosses-finale-des-jffh-2014-volle-kinos-und-sehr-gut-besuchte-ausstellung/
  3. http://www.mopo.de/kino/japan-filmfest-ein-crashkurs-im-japanischen-gegenwartskino,28047696,27311110.html
  4. http://blog.jffh.de/2014/05/kultur-tipp-im-ndr-hamburg-journal-jffh-highlights/