Jarfke van der Muyden

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The prophet smokes out his pipe: Prophecye van Jarfke (Drieborg 1896)

Jarfke van der Muyden was an East Frisian farmer or fisherman who lived around the 13th century, according to other sources in the 15th century, in the northern Rheiderland . Despite the many imponderables about Jarfke's life, Wilhelm Görges, Franz Louis Fuhse and General Superintendent PG Bartels from Aurich assume that the prophet is a real person. The Dutch freelance sociologist and historian Otto S. Knottnerus, who deals intensively with facts and fiction about the dollar history, however, considers Jarfke to be a literary invention of the 16th century.

He is said to be the author of a book published in the Dutch language Prophecye van Jarfke in Emden in the 16th century , in which he predicted many events in the history of East Frisia and the Rheiderland. His prophecies remained enigmatic and always allowed new interpretations. The Prophecye van Jarfke was reprinted many times. There are between 20 and 25 editions, which were relocated, especially in times of crisis.

The prophecies

Jarfke's dream (modeled on Jacob's ladder ), Groningen approx. 1790

The pamphlet was titled Prophecye ofte voerzinge van een went Jarfke, van veel wonderlike things, the na zyn tyd zullen divorced int Oldamt end Westerwoldingerland, as mede int small Oldamt, end van den Krygshandel end confusion in Groningerland (prophecy or prediction of a certain Jarfke about many strange things that will happen after his time in Oldamt and the Westwoldingerland as well as in the small Oldamt, and about the war trade and the destruction in Groningerland). The first publication of Prophecye van Jarfke comprised 16 pages in a small octave format . It appeared in Emden soon after 1558. In the old Rheiderland there is said to have been a tree that played a role in his prophecies. The residents therefore called him Jarfkenboom . In the 16th century all kinds of leaflets appeared, the content of which is said to go back to Jarfke's prophecies. According to this, he is said to have predicted war events , including the siege of fortress Leerort during the Saxon feud and other events during the Eighty Years War, with the words There will be a time when all this is water . In addition, Jarfke is said to have prophesied the collapse of the dollar . There is a list of the names of the villages that went under in the course of the break-in, which is said to go back to him.


Prophecye van Jarfke (Groningen 1732)
Prophecye van Jarfke (Groningen ca.1790)

Web links

Commons : Jarfke van der Muyden  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ General superintendent PG Bartels (Aurich): Fragments for the history of the Dollart. In: Yearbook of the Society for Fine Art and Patriotic Antiquities in Emden . 2/1, 1875, p. 1.
  2. a b Jarfke. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 14, Leipzig 1735, column 245.
  3. a b c General Superintendent PG Bartels (Aurich): Fragments for the history of Dollart. In: Yearbook of the Society for Fine Art and Patriotic Antiquities in Emden . 2/1, 1875, p. 28.
  4. ^ Wilhelm Görges, Franz Louis Fuhse: Patriotic stories and memorabilia of the country Braunschweig and Hanover. Volume 3. Braunschweig 1929, p. 287.
  5. ^ General superintendent PG Bartels (Aurich): Fragments for the history of the Dollart. In: Yearbook of the Society for Fine Art and Patriotic Antiquities in Emden . 2/1, 1875, p. 27.
  6. ^ General superintendent PG Bartels (Aurich): Fragments for the history of the Dollart. In: Yearbook of the Society for Fine Art and Patriotic Antiquities in Emden . 2/1, 1875, p. 28 ff.