Jaume Vallcorba Plana

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Jaume Vallcorba Plana (2014)

Jaume Vallcorba Plana , also Santiago Vallcorba Plana (born September 21, 1949 in Tarragona , † August 23, 2014 in Barcelona ) was a Spanish philologist , editor and publisher .


Vallcorba Plana studied philosophy and philology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and received her doctorate from the University of Barcelona with a dissertation on "Josep Maria Junoy and the early European avant-garde". Until 2004 Jaume Vallcorba was professor of literature at the University of Bordeaux, Lleida, and at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.

He was a member of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Catalonia with a research focus on aesthetics, medieval literature and avant-garde. In 1979 he founded the Quaderns Crema publishing house and Acantilado in 1999, which he has headed as a publisher since they were founded. His main merit as a researcher is the new perspective he was able to give with regard to the literary avant-garde at the beginning of the 20th century. As a publisher, he introduced the outstanding generation of contemporary Catalan authors, including Quim Monzó , Sergi Pàmies and Empar Moliner . In his Spanish catalog one encounters classics from the past - including Chateaubriand , James Boswell , Montaigne - which he helped rediscover in the form of new editions, but also European authors of the 20th century such as Fernando Pessoa , Imre Kertész , Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth . He has made contemporary Eastern European and new Spanish-speaking authors accessible to Spanish readers.

He published studies on aesthetics and literature. The writer JV Foix personally entrusted him with the editing of his entire poetic works. He has also published the poems of Junoy.

Vallcorba Plana died in Barcelona in August 2014 at the age of 64.

Works (selection)


  • De la primavera al Paraíso (Acantilado, 2013)
  • JM Junoy, Obra poètica (poetic work), 1984. New edition, Acantilado, 2010
  • Pintors i poetes cubistes i futuristes: una teoría de la primera avantguarda (Cubist and Futurist Painters and Poets: A Theory of the First Avant-Garde), 1986
  • JV Foix, edición de su poesía (publication of his poems), 1995
  • Las vanguardias europeas: cubismo, futurismo y nunismo (The European avant- gardes : cubism, futurism and nunism), 1995
  • Lectura de la Chanson de Roland . Con presentación de Martín de Riquer (reading the Roland song. With an introduction by Martín de Riquer), 1986 reprint, Acantilado, 2010
  • Noucentisme, mediterranisme i classicisme. Apunts per a la història d'una estètica (Noucentisme, Mediterranisme and Classicism. Notes on the history of an aesthetic), 1995
  • JV Foix, investigador en poesia (JV Foix, poetics researcher), 2002
  • Àlbum Manolo Hugué (en colaboración con Artur Ramon), (Album Manolo Hugué in collaboration with Artur Ramon), 2005
  • Son nou de flors els rams li renc , 2005


  • Golden medal of the FAD (Fördergemeinschaft Kunst und Design), 2001
  • National award for the best publishing work, 2002
  • Gold medal in recognition of the cultural merits of the city of Barcelona, ​​2004
  • Grand Order of Recognition of Cultural Merit awarded by the Republic of Poland, 2004
  • Award for the recognition of publishing merits of the International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico, 2010
  • 2014 National Prize in the field of culture awarded by the Catalan government


  • Por orden alfabético. Escritores, editores, amigos (in alphabetical order: writers, publishers, friends), Jorge Herralde (Barcelona, ​​Anagrama, 2006)
  • Entre paréntesis: ensayos, artículos y discursos (In brackets: essays, articles and lectures), Roberto Bolaño (Barcelona, ​​Anagrama, 2004)
  • Marilyn McCully, Noucentisme: Picasso, Junoy and the Classicism of Barcelona , edited by Ulrich Weisner, Picassos Klassizismus, Stuttgart, Cantz, 1988, pages 43-51
  • Aurelio González, review of his Lectura de la Chanson de Roland, (Reading the Roland's Song ), Medievalia, No. 4, 1989, p. 6
  • Robert S. Lubar, Cubism, Classicism and Ideology: The 1912 Exposició d'art cubista in Barcelona and French Cubist Criticism (Exhibition of Cubist Art and French Cubist Criticism), Elizabeth Cowling and Jennifer Mundy, On Classic Ground, London, Tate Gallery, 1990, pp. 309-324. Based on the work JM Junoy, Obra poética (poetic work)
  • Friedrich Wolfschrift, review of his Lectura de la Chanson de Roland, (reading the Rolandlied), Journal of Romance Philology, No. 108 (Issue 3/4), 1992, pages 348–351
  • Quinze ans de l'édition en Barcelone (Fifteen years of the edition in Barcelona). Doctoral thesis on his work as a publisher. Read on December 9, 1995 at the University of Grenoble by Professor Edmond Raillard under the direction of Professor Michel Moner
  • Arthur Terry, review of his work Noucentisme, Mediterraneisme i Classicisme: apunts per a la història d'una estètica (Noucentisme, Mediterranisme and Classicism. Notes on the history of an aesthetic), Journal of Hispanic Studies, 3 (1994–1995). Pages 488-490
  • Juan Manuel Bonet, Diccionario de las vanguardias en España 1907–1936 (Dictionary of the Avant-gardes in Spain 1907–1936), Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1995, various references
  • Review of his Noucentisme, Mediterraneisme i Classicisme: apunts per a la història d'una estètica (Noucentisme, Mediterranisme and Classicism. Notes on the history of an aesthetic), by Neus Torres, in Revista de Catalunya , no. 107, May 1996. Pages 126– 127
  • Review of his Noucentisme, Mediterraneisme i Classicisme: apunts per a la història d'una estètica (Noucentisme, Mediterranisme and Classicism. Notes on the history of an aesthetic), by Nil Santiáñez-Tió, in España Contemporánea, volume IX, no. 2, autumn 1996 , Pages 114-117
  • Review of his Noucentisme, Mediterraneisme i Classicisme: apunts per a la història d'una estètica (Noucentisme, Mediterranisme and Classicism. Notes on the History of an Aesthetic), by Joan Ramon Resina, Hispanic Review , summer 1996
  • Review of his editions of Darrer comunicat i Tocant a mà , by JV Foix, written by Arthur Terry, in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies , LXXIII (1996), p. 455

Web links

Commons : Jaume Vallcorba Plana  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jaume Vallcorba, editor humanista, fallece a los 64 años on elpais.com, 23 August 2014 (Spanish).