Javier Tomeo

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Javier Tomeo (2010)

Javier Tomeo Estallo (born September 9, 1932 in Quicena , Huesca province , †  June 22, 2013 in Barcelona ) was a Spanish writer . He is one of the most translated contemporary authors in his country.


Tomeo graduated from the University of Barcelona with a degree in law and criminology and began writing entertainment literature (including westerns and horror stories) under changing pseudonyms in the 1950s. In 1962 he published a history of slavery as “Frantz Keller” (Historia de la esclavitud) , in 1963 he published a work with Juan María Estadella on witchcraft and superstition in Catalonia (La brujería y la superstición en Cataluña) . His first novel Der Jäger (El cazador) was published in 1967. Since the 1970s it has also been translated into other languages, and some of his works have been staged (for example in 1989 at the Théâtre National de la Colline Monstre Aimé in Paris , and in 1993 in the Schauspielhaus in Cologne The Marquis writes an unheard-of letter ). Tomeo also wrote articles for periodicals such as ABC . His greatest success was the novel Der Löwenjäger (El cazador de leones) , 1987. The last German version of his novel The Silicone Lovers was published in 2010 by the Berlin publishing house Klaus Wagenbach .

In 1971 Tomeo won the literary prize premio de novela corta Ciudad de Barbastro for The Unicorn (El unicornio) , in 1994 he received the Premio Aragón a las letras and the gold medal of the city of Saragossa . The Minister of Education and Culture of the Regional Government of the Autonomous Community of Aragon called Tomeo one of the “most illustrious representatives” of Spanish literature, and the President of the Aragon Writers' Union, José Luis Corral , called a “reference point for surrealist literature”.


Due to the surrealist and experimental content of his thirty or so works, Tomeo was ascribed an intellectual closeness to the painter Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) and the filmmaker Luis Buñuel (1900–1983), both also Spaniards. In addition, he was compared with the Austrian author Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989) with his sober and minimalist writing style, which constantly repeats and intensifies motifs in short sentences . One of the main focuses of his work is fable-like short stories.

  • El castillo de la carta cifrada (1979), German The Marquis writes an unheard-of letter (1984, translated by Elke Wehr )
  • Amado monstruo (1984), German mothers and sons. Novel about monsters (1986, translated by Elke Wehr)
  • El cazador de leones (1987), German The Lion Hunter (1988, translated by Elke Wehr)
  • Historias minimas (1988), dt. Man from within and other catastrophes. In four departments (1989, translated by Elke Wehr)
  • La ciudad de las palomas (1990), German The Pigeon City (1991)
  • El discutido testamento de Gastón de Puyparlier (1990), German The disputed testament of Gaston de Puyparlier (1992)
  • Zoopatías y zoofilias (1993), German zoopathology (1994)
  • Diálogo en re mayor (1991), German conversation in D major (1995)
  • El crimen del cine Oriente (1995), German The crime in oriental cinema (2010)
  • Hotel of Lost Steps (2010)
  • Los amantes de silicona (2008), German The silicone lovers ( 2010, about. By Heinrich von Berenberg )

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  1. Focus : "Javier Tomeo is dead", accessed on June 23, 2013