Jean-Baptiste Davaux

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Jean-Baptiste Davaux

Jean-Baptiste Davaux (born July 19, 1742 in La Côte-Saint-André , † February 2, 1822 in Paris ) was a French composer and violinist .

From 1767 Davaux worked in Paris and received several public employment there. In 1785 he staged two comic operas. He gained fame through his concertante symphonies composed between 1772 and 1800 . His other works include 25 string quartets and other chamber music works, symphonies, arietas and a violin concerto. His compositions are kept in a simple but effective style in keeping with the taste of the time. In 1784 he developed based on the Breguet - chronometer an instrument to accurately measure the cycle time, 30 years ago Maelzel metronome .

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