Jean-Claude Bertaux

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Jean-Claude Georges Bertaux (born July 23, 1931 ) is a former French Rear Admiral (Vice-amiral) in the Navy .


After attending school in 1950, Bertaux began his officer training at the Naval School (École Navale) and on October 1, 1951, became a lieutenant at sea (Enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe) and on October 1, 1953, first lieutenant at sea (Enseigne de vaisseau de première classe) , in the 1950s he took part in the Indochina War before being promoted to lieutenant captain (Lieutenant de Vaisseau) on August 1, 1958 . As a corvette captain (Capitaine de Corvette) , among other things, he was in command of the Marsouin submarine between September 18, 1965 and April 7, 1967 , while he was later as a frigate captain (Capitaine de Frégate) from August 22, 1974 to August 1 1975 was the commander of the escort Forbin . As a sea captain (Capitaine de Vaisseau) he was among other things between October 21, 1978 and July 24, 1980 in command of the destroyer frigate Dupetit-Thouars .

Then Beratux was as Flotilla Admiral (Contre-amiral) Deputy Naval Prefect in Brest , the base of the Atlantic Fleet, and most recently as Rear Admiral (Vice-Amiral) commander of the naval units in Senegal in Dakar . He is a member of the National Association of War Veterans (Union nationale des combattants) in Plougonvelin .

Web links

  • Entry on the homepage of the École Navale