Jean-Jacques Scherrer

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L'entrée de Jeanne d'Arc à Orléans
Départ de Joan of Arc de Vaucouleurs

Jean-Jacques Scherrer (born September 29, 1855 in Lutterbach , Haute-Rhin département , † May 16, 1916 in Paris ) was a French painter of Alsatian origin.


When the Franco-Prussian War ended in 1871 with the Peace of Frankfurt , Scherrer voted for French citizenship. In the same year he went to Paris and became a student in the workshop of the sculptor Pierre-Jules Cavelier (1814-1894).

He later moved to the École des Beaux-Arts (EBA) and was there a. a. taught by Alexandre Cabanel . Through its sponsorship, Scherrer was invited in 1877 to take part in the major annual exhibition of the Salon de Paris .

In 1880, Scherrer married Mathilde Haquette, a porcelain painter from the Sèvres porcelain factory in Paris , and had two children with her, Lucie-Marthe (1884–1979) and Jean (* 1887).

Scherrer died at the age of not quite 61 on May 16, 1916 in Paris, where he found his final resting place.


Works (selection)


  • Emmanuel Bénézit (ed.): Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays . New edition Grund, Paris 1999 ff.

Web links

Commons : Jean-Jacques Scherrer  - collection of images, videos and audio files