Jean-Pierre Aumer

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Jean-Pierre Aumer (born April 21, 1774 or 1776 in Strasbourg , † July 1833 in Saint-Martin-de-Boscherville ) was a French dancer and choreographer .


Aumer studied with Jean Dauberval in Bordeaux and danced in his troupe in London from 1791 to 1792 . In 1794 he danced in London in the troupe of Jean-Georges Noverre , in 1795 at the King's Theater . In 1798 he made his debut at the Opéra in Paris. From 1804 to 1806 he was ballet master at the Parisian Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin , where he staged some of Dauberval's ballets, including La Fille mal gardée . Most of the works were created for the Théâtre de la Porte St. Martin , including the successful ballet Les Deux Créoles (music: Henri Darondeau , 1806), which is based on Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's story Paul et Virginie (1787). In his stage work, he followed Dauberval's principles of ballet d'action , where the dramatic plot is primarily told using a meaningful pantomime . In 1807 he became a ballet master in Lyon .

In 1808 he was invited to bring out a work at the Paris Opéra. His ballet Les Amours d'Antoine et de Cléopâtre (music: Rodolphe Kreutzer ) was very successful and even impressed Jérôme Bonaparte , King of Westphalia , so that in 1808 he was engaged as ballet master at the court theater of Kassel , where he stayed until 1814.

In 1814 he was briefly in Lyon. From 1814 to 1820 he worked in Vienna, where he choreographed numerous ballets and divertissements (dance performances) and taught Fanny Elßler at the Theater am Kärntnertor , among others . In 1821 he returned to Paris as a ballet master with high expectations, where he was second ballet master from 1826 to 1830, succeeding Louis Milon . Although he again staged two works by Dauberval and brought out many of his own ballets, including La Belle au bois dormant (music: Ferdinand Hérold (1791–1833), 1829) and Manon Lescaut (music: Jacques Fromental Halévy , 1830), he was able to the earlier successes no longer follow. His works have now been criticized for the extensive use of pantomime and his inability to create a dance that both marked the character and served to advance the plot. In 1826 his daughter Sophie-Julie married the dancer Étienne Leblond. In 1831 he retired from the stage and died two years later.

Choreographies (selection)

  • 1804 La Fille mal gardée , after Dauberval , Paris, Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin
  • 1805 Rosina et Lorenzo , Théâtre de la Porte St-Martin
  • 1805 Robinson Crusoé , Théâtre de la Porte St-Martin
  • 1805 Le Page inconstant , after Dauberval, Théâtre de la Porte St-Martin
  • 1806 Jenny ou le Mariage secret , Théâtre de la Porte St-Martin
  • 1806 Les Deux Créoles (music: Henri Darondeau), Paris, Théâtre de la Porte St-Martin
  • 1807 Antoine et Cléopâtre , Lyon
  • 1808 Les amours d'Antoine et de Cleopatre (music: Rodolphe Kreutzer)
  • 1814 Zéphire et Flore , Vienna
  • 1814 Louise et Alexis , based on "Le Déserteur" by Dauberval, Vienna
  • 1814 Myrsile et Antéros , Vienna
  • 1815 La Fête de la rose , Vienna
  • 1815 Les Bayadères , Vienna
  • 1816 Les Noces de Thétis et de Pélée , Vienna
  • 1816 Les Deux Tantes , Vienna
  • 1817 Amour et Psyché , Vienna
  • 1817 Érigone ou le Triomphe de Bacchus , Vienna
  • 1818 Le Sommeil enchanté , Vienna
  • 1818 Aline, reine de Golconde , Vienna
  • 1819 Ossian , Vienna
  • 1820 Emma ou le Mariage secret , Vienna
  • 1820 Alfred le Grand , Vienna
  • 1820 Les Pages du duc de Vendôme , Opéra de Paris
  • 1821 Jeanne d'Arc , Opéra de Paris
  • 1824 Le Songe d'Ossian , London
  • 1825 Cléopâtre, pure d'Égypte , London
  • 1827 Astolphe et Joconde , Opéra de Paris
  • 1827 La Somnambule , Opéra de Paris
  • 1828 Lydie , Opéra de Paris
  • 1829 La Belle au bois dormant (music: Ferdinand Hérold), Opéra de Paris
  • 1830 Manon Lescaut , (music: Jacques Fromental Halévy), Opéra de Paris

Individual evidence

  1. Dorion Weickmann: The trained body. Cultural history of ballet (1580–1870) (= series "History and Gender". Vol. 39). Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-593-37111-1 , p. 298, (also: Hamburg, Universität, Dissertation, 2001).
  2. Google Book Search