Jean Alfred Gautier

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Essai historique sur leproblemème des trois corps , 1817

Jean Alfred Gautier (born July 18, 1793 in Cologny , † November 30, 1881 in Geneva ) was a Swiss mathematician and astronomer .

He studied with Laplace , Lagrange and Legendre and was friends with Herschel .

He was professor of astronomy at the academy in Geneva and from 1819 to 1881 director of the observatory. He was a member of the Astronomical Society London .

At about the same time as Rudolf Wolf and Johann von Lamont , he discovered the curious correspondence between the cycle of sunspot activity and the variation in the earth's magnetic field.

His nephew, Étienne Émile Gautier , also became an astronomer.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ NY Times, Dec. 27, 1881
  2. ^ The Observatory : 1882 p. 27, 28
  3. Solar Physics Historical Timeline (1800–1999) , accessed on November 6, 2018