Jean Duvet

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Jean Duvet: The marriage of Adam and Eve by the Eternal Father (detail), copper engraving, approx. 1540/1555

Jean Duvet (* 1485 presumably in Dijon ; † after 1562) was a goldsmith and copper engraver in the Renaissance in Burgundy . His copperplate engravings are considered to be one of the most important groups of works of this art form in France during this period.

Master with the unicorn

Because of a well-known series of six copper engravings depicting a unicorn, Duvet is also called the master with the unicorn (French: "Maître à la Licorne"). This emergency name was used especially in the 18th and 19th centuries , as only a few details of the master's life are known.

Art style

Jean Duvet: The Apocalypse of John (title page), copper engraving, 1555

The copper engravings Duvets are characterized by their detailed lines. One can see influences of Dürer in his work - especially in the Apocalypse of John , one also assumes that he came into contact with works of the Italian Renaissance. However, Duvet develops an independent approach, characterized by the wealth of people and motifs that he brings together in one picture.


The exact course of Jean Duvet's life is controversial, as Dijon is believed to be the birthplace of what was then the county of Burgundy , where he became a master in the guild in 1509 . He also receives commissions for works on public occasions and his unicorn series celebrates the royal family. He probably died in Langres, after 1562.

He may have stayed in Calvinist Geneva for a while, and Jean Duvet , mentioned there in 1540 , may also be one of his relatives.


The more than 70 copper engravings known from Duvet and attributed to it either by signature or style are rare, also because Duvet limited its edition.

  • The triumph of the unicorn, series of six stitches,
  • Moses and the Patriarchs, ca. 1540–50
  • The marriage of Adam and Eve by the Eternal Father, around 1540/1555
  • The Apocalypse of St. John, series of 21 engravings, 1555.


  • 1825 in Nuremberg : A sheet on the XIII. Chapter on the Revelation of St. John.


  • Jean-E. Bersier: Jean Duvet, le maître à la licorne 1485 - 1570 . Paris: Berger - Levrault 1977 ISBN 2-7013-0148-3
  • Colin T. Eisler: The master of the unicorn: the life and work of Jean Duvet . New York: Abaris Books, 1979 ISBN 0-913870-46-3
  • GK Nagler (ed.) : New general artist lexicon . Fleischmann 1836 digitized
  • CF Weisse (Hrsg.): New library of the beautiful sciences and the free arts - Volume 25, I. Dykische Buchhandlung 1780 digitized

Web links

Commons : Jean Duvet  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. see e.g. B. Duvet, Jean, also known as Danet, and the master with the unicorn, Maître à la Licorne . In: G. Nagler (Ed.): New general artist lexicon . Fleischmann 1836, p. 36
  2. so CF Weisse (ed.): New library of the beautiful sciences and the free arts - Vol. 25, I. Dykische Buchhandlung 1780, p. 33
  3. DIRECTORY OF THE v.DERSCHAUISCHE Kunstkabinett zu NÜRNBERG ..., Second Section .. , Nuremberg, at the obliged auctioneer Schmidmer., 1825., 250 p., Bl & ots = GF- # v = onepage & q = directory% 20 of the% 20 rare% 20Sammlungen% 20Claus% 2C% 20Hoch & f = false Directory of rare art collections., 1825., Google Books, online , p. 13, (75.)